Strategic construction
Ultra-high-speed magnetic levitation included in Zhejiang transportation plan
Seetao 2021-08-02 10:08
  • Zhejiang Province will make every effort to build a comprehensive transportation system with three circles, six networks and one hub
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The construction of an integrated demonstration zone is a breakthrough in the integration strategy of the Yangtze River Delta. For this purpose, Zhejiang has made a major deployment: to support the construction of the integrated demonstration zone with all the strength of the province. The Jiashan area integrated transportation plan is the first county-level transportation medium- and long-term plan issued at the provincial level. The core content can be summarized as creating a comprehensive transportation system with "three circles, six networks, one hub, and ecological digital integration".

"Three Circles": Three "half-hour traffic circles" between the major cities in the Yangtze River Delta within half an hour, the main nodes in the demonstration area within half an hour, and the groups within the county area within half an hour. "Six Networks": Six networks with extended aviation network, multi-integrated rail network, internal and external road network, transportation and travel integrated water transportation network, leisure roaming blue road network, and functional composite underground network. "One hub": namely Jiashan Station Intercity Hub, serving short-to-medium-distance intercity transportation to the outside world; "Two stations", namely, Jiashan South Station and Jiaxing North Station, two high-speed rail stations, serving long-distance transportation to the outside world. "Ecology": Promote green transportation and vigorously develop The green travel mode is led by public transportation, supported by slow travel, and supplemented by water transportation. The proportion of long-term green transportation in the county reaches more than 90%, and 100% of rail stations are developed by TOD.

"Digital": Comprehensive utilization of Beidou, 5G, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other new technologies to create a demonstration area of "integration of vehicles, roads, networks, and clouds". Among them, digital "cars", various types of vehicles promote the use of digital transportation smart terminals, mobile apps, etc., and vehicles in the public domain are first to try out autonomous driving technology. The digital "network" realizes 100% coverage of the traffic private network, and the traffic private network is integrated with the "Skynet" and the "public network". "Integrated": Construct an integrated transportation service system from the three aspects of region, service and travel. For example, the promotion of service integration will comprehensively promote the interconnection and interoperability of inter-regional public transportation cards, and realize public interoperability, swipe card interchange, and information sharing.

The construction of the future rapid transit network depends on the construction of aviation and rail transit networks. The following will focus on the aviation network and rail network in the "six networks". Extending aviation network: Three aerial networks will be constructed, namely, regional aviation network, county helicopter network, and low-altitude unmanned aerial network. At the same time, Xitang helicopter airport will be built to develop low-altitude flying tourism products. Multi-type integrated rail network: The construction of high-speed railways, ultra-high-speed magnetic levitation, inter-city railways, and urban rails will be promoted to create a cross-shaped rail railway corridor composed of the Tongsu-Jiatong-Ningbo Corridor and the Shanghai-Hangzhou Corridor. Rail corridor. Among them, the ultra-high-speed maglev, the Shanghai-Hangzhou super maglev project, has a total investment of 100 billion yuan and a speed exceeding 600 kilometers per hour. This will change the temporal and spatial pattern and support the same urban commuting in the Greater Bay Area. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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