Energy China signed a 3×380MW coal-fired power plant project in Indonesia
Seetao 2021-08-09 11:56
  • It will effectively improve the local power supply and promote economic development
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Recently, Energy China Zhejiang Thermal Power signed a contract with Tsingshan Holding Group in Hangzhou for the 3×380 MW general contracting project of the Lapota Power Plant in the Morovali Industrial Park in Indonesia.

The project is located in the Morovali Industrial Park in the central part of Sulawesi, Indonesia. The company mainly undertook the construction, installation, and procurement of auxiliary equipment and materials for the power plant's No. 4, No. 5, and No. 6 units. The first unit will be completed in 18 months, and subsequent units will be put into operation at two-month intervals. After the completion of the project, it is of great significance to promote economic cooperation between China and Indonesia, and between China and ASEAN.

It is reported that the Molovali Industrial Park is jointly developed by Shanghai Dingxin Investment (Group) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Wenzhou Qingshan Industrial, a Fortune 500 company in the world, and Indonesia Eight Star Group. It is mainly for the nickel processing and smelting industry. The park has a land area of over 3,200. It has become a stainless steel production base with the longest and most complete industrial chain in the world, with an annual output of 2.5 million tons of nickel-iron and 3 million tons of stainless steel. After the power plant is completed, it will effectively alleviate the current situation of electricity shortage in the park.

Keywords: One Belt One Road, overseas projects, engineering news

In the next step, Energy China Zhejiang Thermal Power and Tsingshan Holding Group will rely on the One Belt One Road Initiative to prevent and control the epidemic, organize personnel and equipment to carry out construction in strict accordance with the requirements of the owners, and grasp the golden period of construction to ensure quality and quantity. Complete construction tasks. Editor/Tian Zengpeng


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