Zhejiang Zhoushan tidal energy power station successfully launched
Seetao 2022-02-28 11:13
  • The fourth-generation single-machine megawatt-level unit of the tidal energy launched this time has a total weight of 325 tons.
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On February 24, 2022, the world's largest single-capacity tidal current energy generating unit "Endeavour" was successfully launched on Xiushan Island, Zhoushan, Zhejiang. After a month of trial operation, it will be integrated into the national grid. By then, the installed capacity of this tidal power station will reach 3.3 megawatts, and its total installed capacity and power generation will rank among the top in the world.

The tidal energy has outstanding advantages such as huge reserves, clean and pollution-free, and does not occupy land. Its generator sets can resist typhoons of level 16 and huge waves of 4 meters. Internationally, it is known as "blue oil field" and is an ideal renewable energy source. .

The LHD Lindong large-scale tidal current power station located on Xiushan Island, Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province is the world's first ocean tidal current power station, and it is also the world's longest continuous grid-connected tidal current power generation project.

Up to now, the project has completed grid-connected power generation for three generations of units, with a total installed capacity of 1.7 MW and a cumulative grid-connected power of over 1.67 million kWh.

The "Endeavour" unit launched this time is the fourth-generation single-unit megawatt-level unit of Trend Energy. The unit has a total weight of 325 tons, a rated power of 1.6 megawatts, and a designed annual power generation capacity of 2 million kWh, which is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1,994 tons.

Equally important to power generation by tidal power units is the grid-connected consumption of these clean energies. Clean energy often has the characteristics of intermittency and instability, and grid-connected operation has great impact and risk on the safe operation of conventional power grids. How to coordinate the full consumption and safe operation? Zhejiang Zhoushan gave full play to its unique power grid advantages to build and optimize the world's first five-terminal flexible and direct demonstration project. lose". At the same time, Zhoushan has also carried out research on key technologies such as adapting to the large-scale new energy grid connection of islands, and built an all-weather forecast and early warning technology support service system.

During the trial operation of this unit, the power grid staff need to pay close attention to the real-time collection of important data such as the tidal current energy confluence station, the tidal current energy booster station and the tidal current energy offshore platform, and timely carry out the inspection and maintenance of the power generation equipment and power supply network according to the actual situation. We will make every effort to ensure that it will be put into operation and connected to the grid as scheduled, provide a new path for the construction of China's new power system, and fully promote the realization of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.Editor/Ma Xue


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