Central enterprises
State Power Investment Corporation won the Xinjiang Hami pumped storage project
Seetao 2022-06-22 11:02
  • This project is a key project of the National Energy Administration's mid- and long-term development plan for pumped storage.
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The construction of the pumped-storage power station project will further promote the realization of the dual-carbon goal and promote the green and sustainable development of the energy industry. On June 20, 2022, the Development and Reform Commission of Hami City announced the results of the competitive allocation of investors in the Hami City Pumped Storage Power Station Project. State Power Investment Xinjiang Energy and Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. obtained the development right of the Hami Erdaogou 1.2 million kilowatt pumped storage power station project.

Hami Erdaogou Pumped Storage Project is located about 80 kilometers northwest of Yizhou District, Hami City, with a planned total installed capacity of 1.2 million kilowatts. Five" key implementation projects, it is planned to install 4 reversible hydro-generator units with a single unit capacity of 300,000 kilowatts, with a single unit rated flow of 90.8 cubic meters per second and a comprehensive efficiency of 75%.

As the most important energy delivery base in Northwest China, the construction of pumped storage projects in Hami is of great significance. The pumped storage project is a green, low-carbon, clean and flexible power supply with the most mature technology, the best economy, and the most large-scale development conditions. It can effectively compensate for the random and intermittent problems of wind power and solar power generation. The urgent requirement is also an important guarantee to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power system and support the large-scale development of renewable energy.

After the project is completed and put into operation, it will effectively undertake the tasks of peak regulation, valley filling, frequency regulation, phase regulation and emergency backup in the regional power grid, play the role of energy storage, realize peak shaving and valley filling, effectively help achieve the "dual carbon" goal, and become the backbone of the power grid. "Charging treasure", the "golden ingot" to achieve mutual wealth. Editor / Xu Shengpeng


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