Hunan River and Lake Ecological Environment Governance Project Won the Bid
Seetao 2022-08-05 11:27
  • This project includes the construction of 4 sub-projects with a total investment of 2.083 billion yuan
  • This project covers an area of ​​about 600 mu for supporting construction projects of new towns and cities
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On August 1, 2022, the first-phase investor + EPC + cultural tourism industry operation winning candidate for the river and lake ecological environment governance and industrial green development project in Xiangyin District, Xiangjiang New District, Hunan was announced and announced, and the first winning candidate was China Railway Sixth Bureau Group Co., Ltd. , China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd., China Railway Capital Co., Ltd., with a total investment of 2.083 billion yuan.

Project Overview

Inland lake function restoration project in rural inland rivers: including comprehensive environmental improvement and ecological restoration projects, dredging and dredging projects for inland lakes and inland rivers such as Sanchagang South Lake, Baini Lake and Fanjiaba Lake in the region.

Construction and operation of cultural and tourism industry infrastructure and service facilities: including the renovation and quality improvement of Zuo Zongtang's former residence, the Hunan Cultural Expo Park, the quality improvement of Zuo Taifu Temple, and the dual-creation tourism demonstration base, etc.

Construction of industrial channel project: S508 Xiangyin County Zhangshugang-Yanggunao Highway and Zhangshugang Xiangjiang Bridge, with a total length of 9.177 kilometers, are constructed in accordance with the standards of secondary roads. After the project is completed, it will be handed over to the government or a government-authorized agency for operation and maintenance.

New town supporting construction project: Carry out the construction of new town supporting projects in the area, including infrastructure and public service facilities, etc. The project land area is about 600 mu.Editor/Zhao E


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