The third cross-border railway between China and Kazakhstan has been confirmed
Seetao 2022-10-31 11:04
  • The cross-border railway in China is located at Bhaktu port in Tacheng, Xinjiang Province
  • The construction of the cross-border railway between China and Kazakhstan will maximize the trade and investment output of the two countries
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As an important participating countries area along the construction, on October 29, 2022, in the press conference held in kazakhstan's embassy in Beijing, kazakhstan ambassador sand herat, when Mr Ray, answer a reporter's question, said the report not only of the communist party of China (20 planning for the future of China, also expounds the significance of development of China's neighboring countries, We believe that China's economic growth will provide new development opportunities for the world. Kazakhstan is willing to continue developing friendly relations with China after the 20th National Congress. He also revealed at the press conference that the location of the third cross-border railway port between Kazakhstan and China has been determined.

Kazakhstan-china relations will further develop after the 20th National Congress

"China is already a global power and the second largest economy in the world. The recent 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is an event of great interest not only to Kazakhstan but also to the whole world." Nureshev said that he had carefully studied the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The report not only detailed China's future development, but also clarified what significance China's development will bring to neighboring countries.

From 2013 to 2021, China contributed an average of 38.6 percent to world economic growth, more than the combined contribution of all G7 countries. Nuryshev said the growth of China's economy will provide new development opportunities globally, especially for cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. Kazakhstan, as China's neighbor and permanent comprehensive strategic partner, is willing to continue developing friendly relations with China after the 20th National Congress.

He highlighted the high level of bilateral ties as evidenced by the fact that on Sept 14, 2022, the Chinese leader's first foreign visit in more than two years since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic was to Kazakhstan. In the future, Kazakhstan-China relations will move forward as always.

"Kazakh President Tokayev is a 'China hand', a Sinologist, who also used to work in China. In the upcoming non-routine presidential election in Kazakhstan on November 20, 2022, if President Tokayev wins, our bilateral relations will still develop further." "Mr. Nureshev said.

Chinese leaders' visit to Kazakhstan has taken bilateral relations to a new height

On April 8, 2022, Nuryshev became Kazakhstan's ambassador to China from first deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. This is his second stint as ambassador to China from 2015 to 2019. "It's a great pleasure to be back in a country that is so special to me and my family," he said after coming to China.

"This is my fifth visit to China as a diplomat. I also studied in China." Nureshev said he has been in China for 19 years in total. "My colleagues in the Foreign Ministry often ask me, are you resident in China? All three of my children were born in Beijing, so we are very impressed with China and Beijing."

Nuyshev said that before taking office in China, Tokayev presented him with tasks to further consolidate and develop bilateral relations, deepen political mutual trust and develop economic and trade cooperation. He explained that he has achieved a lot in his half-year tenure, such as the resumption of regular flights between the two countries, the opportunity for Kazakh students to return to China for further study, and the re-issuance of visas for Kazakh citizens by China. Meanwhile, Kazakhstan announced a 14-day visa exemption for Chinese citizens on July 8, 2022.

"It is a very important event for the bilateral relations between Kazakhstan and China in 2022. In September, the Chinese leader chose Kazakhstan for his first visit since the outbreak. This visit has lifted our bilateral relations to a new height." Nureshev stressed.

The location of the third Kazakh-China cross-border railway port has been determined

Kazakhstan is the place where the Belt and Road Initiative was first proposed and the first stop of the Belt and Road in the west. According to Chinese statistics, 90% of China-Europe freight trains passed through Kazakhstan in 2021. Nureshev said that under the Belt and Road Initiative, China and Kazakhstan are effectively implementing a list of 52 investment projects with a total value of more than 21 billion U.S. dollars, covering transportation and logistics, industry and agriculture, energy, tourism and other fields. In terms of logistics, 51 per cent of goods destined for Europe from China pass through Kazakhstan.

Plan for the Construction and Development of China-Europe Freight Trains (2016-2020) Map of the China-Europe Railway Link

In September 2022, China announced that it was in close communication with Kazakhstan on the issue of additional railway ports. Nureshev reaffirmed that the two sides are discussing the construction of the third railway port on the Kazakhsta-China border. The specific location of the port in China is the Baktu port in Tacheng, Xinjiang, while Kazakhstan is the border area between Abai Prefecture and China. In the future, the opening of the third cross-border railway port between Kazakhstan and China will greatly promote the transportation and logistics cooperation between the two countries.

When asked about the relations between Kazakhstan and Russia, Nureshev gave a very positive answer: "Russia is also a strategic partner of Kazakhstan, and the friendship between the two sides is very solid. The two countries share the world's longest border and Russia is Kazakhstan's largest trading partner. There is no difference between the two countries."

He further pointed out that some media reports on Kazakhstani-Russian relations are "smear and provocative acts". According to Kazakhstan's foreign policy, developing friendly relations with Russia is given high priority. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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