Yawan High speed Railway has created employment opportunities for Indonesia
Seetao 2022-11-17 16:15
  • Uno said that he hoped that both sides could cooperate in infrastructure, digital economy and other fields
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In an exclusive interview a few days ago, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia, Sandiaga Uno, said that he expected Indonesia and China to further strengthen cooperation in tourism, infrastructure, digital economy and other fields, so as to inject new impetus into the development of bilateral relations. China is Indonesia's largest trading partner. Bilateral trade and investment cooperation between the two countries has developed rapidly, especially in green economy, infrastructure construction, high-speed rail and other fields, creating extensive employment opportunities for Indonesia.

Wunuo gives high praise and expectation to the Ya'an Wanzhou high-speed railway under construction. He said that Jakarta and Bandung, which are connected by the high-speed railway, are two important central cities in Indonesia and are of great significance for economic and social development and people's life. After the Ya'an Wanzhou High speed Railway is completed and opened to traffic, the commuting time between the two places will be shortened from more than 3 hours to 40 minutes.

"Bandung and West Java, where Bandung is located, are one of the largest tourism markets in Indonesia, with an annual passenger flow of nearly 120 million person times. The Yahwan high-speed railway will form a powerful complement to the existing infrastructure and promote the development of tourism. I look forward to becoming the first group of passengers of the Yahwan high-speed railway," he said.

Uno said that the COVID-19 has had a huge impact on Indonesia's tourism industry, affecting nearly 1 million jobs. Therefore, cooperation with China is very important for Indonesia to revitalize its tourism industry. China's development speed is amazing, especially in infrastructure construction, scientific and technological innovation and other fields, and we hope the two sides can further cooperate in digital economy, creative economy and other fields.Editor/Ma Xue


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