BoomerS2 rock drilling jumbo was honored inThe Fifth CIIE
Seetao 2022-11-20 14:03
  • Sanshandao Gold Mine cooperated with Epiroc to introduce the first BoomerS2 intelligent double arm drilling jumbo in China
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Recently, the 5th China International Import Expo was held in Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center, and the application case of Epiroc BoomerS2 double arm drilling jumbo in Sanshandao Gold Mine was honored at the Expo.

As an active participant in China's reform and development and an "old friend" of the Expo, Epiroc Trading Co., Ltd. has achieved fruitful results, especially in the Epiroc new product conference broadcast on CCTV's live news channel, the application case of BoomerS2 double arm rock drilling jumbo in Sanshandao Gold Mine cited by Epiroc Trading Co., Ltd. helped Epiroc successfully promote its brand image.

Through scientific safety production management, the optimal bench efficiency of Epiroc BoomerS2 double arm drilling jumbo is fully released, which enables wisdom and efficiency for mine productivity and further promotes the scientific and rational organization and construction.

It is reported that the Epiroc BoomerS2 double arm rock drilling jumbo uses an advanced modular control system of RCS computer jumbo, which is highly intelligent and can realize the independent high-precision hole layout and drilling of equipment. Its sturdy BUT S heavy drilling arm is safe, stable and has low failure rate. With the BMH/T 2700 propelling beam and the high-power COP MD20 rock drill, it works efficiently and has high penetrability, covering a 45 ㎡ working face. At the same time, its stroke setting is adjustable, In order to adapt to different rock conditions, it has excellent drill pipe use economy.

In recent years, with the goal of "building a first-class mine and building a first-class brand", Sanshandao Gold Mine has adhered to the construction road of "an international first-class demonstration mine" that is intrinsically safe, intelligent and leading in efficiency, actively cooperated with Epiroc, and introduced the first BoomerS2 intelligent double arm drilling rig in China.

In practical production and application, the mine has made full use of the advantages of BoomerS2 double arm drilling jumbo, such as digital transmission, fast drilling speed, accurate positioning, and long drill pipe to gradually deepen the drilling length, and finally succeeded in breaking through 4.5 × 4.25m large cross-section single shot 4.5m pass, and smooth blasting effect is significant.

The labor intensity is reduced, the work efficiency is improved, and the production cost is reduced. At present, the average footage of a single gun has been steadily maintained at 4.3m, which has successfully taken the lead in the industry.

In the future, under the guidance of the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" strategic goal of Shandong Gold Group to "rebuild a mountain gold and enter the world's top 500", Sanshandao Gold Mine will focus on the implementation and implementation of the concept of "safe mountain gold, ecological mountain gold, dynamic mountain gold and humanistic mountain gold", continue to enhance the forward-looking and scientific nature of the strategic plan, continue to expand the effectiveness of intelligent mine construction, and strive to create a distinctive and high-quality modern development path, In the blueprint of the Group's "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" strategic plan, we will draw a warm and loyal mountain gold background! Editor/Sang Xiaomei


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