There is a special Chinese team at the 2022 World Cup!
Seetao 2022-11-23 09:31
  • A strong "China team" of Chinese manufacturers is active at the Qatar World Cup and beyond
  • The extensive and in-depth participation of Chinese companies in the preparations for the Qatar World Cup highlights the dazzling Chinese elements and has made important Chinese contributions
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The 2022 World Cup in Qatar takes place from November 20 to December 18. With the opening of the World Cup, in addition to the anticipated matches, the Chinese elements of the World Cup are becoming more and more prominent. From the construction of stadiums to the supply of green energy, to public transportation and commodities surrounding the World Cup, a strong "China team" consisting of Chinese construction and manufacturing companies is active in and around the World Cup in Qatar. It is not only the epitome of the practical cooperation between China and Qatar, but also a vivid demonstration of the contribution of "China" to the world.

"Built in China" has set many records

Citizens and tourists take photos in front of Qatar's main World Cup stadium, the Lusaire Stadium, in Doha in November as the World Cup atmosphere grows stronger. The stadium, about 15 kilometers north of Doha, has a capacity of 80,000 spectators, making it the largest in Qatar. It will host major events such as the final and closing ceremonies and witness the historic moment of lifting the World Cup.

Fans take a selfie in front of the Chinese-built Lussel Stadium

In November 2016, China Railway Construction International Group Co., LTD. (CRCC International) won the bid for the Lussel Stadium construction project, which was the first World Cup stadium project undertaken by a Chinese enterprise as the general contractor of design and construction, breaking the monopoly position of European and American countries in the industry.

Wang Lei, head of Middle East Regional company of China Railway Construction International, said in an interview that there were six famous construction companies from Germany, Italy, France, Spain and other countries participated in the project bidding. After five rounds of business negotiations and nine rounds of technical negotiations, China Railway Construction International finally won the bid in the fierce competition.

As the largest and most advanced professional football stadium contracted by a Chinese company overseas, the Lusel Stadium fully demonstrates the level and strength of "built in China", and has also set a number of industry records during the construction process: It is the single building with the largest span of double-layer cable network roof in the world, and it is also the first World Cup stadium project with in-depth application of building information modeling technology in the whole life cycle.

The Lusaire Stadium has received high praise from Qatar many times and even featured its image on a new 10 riyal note issued by the Central Bank of Qatar in December 2020, even before it was completed.

A 10-riyal note issued by the Central Bank of Qatar

Hassan Al-Sawadi, secretary general of the Qatar World Cup Organizing Committee, said at a press conference: "The Lusel Stadium has the most sophisticated facade and roof structure with cable membrane, which proves the capability of Chinese enterprises. All those who are going to watch the match at the Lusel Stadium should thank the engineers and builders from China."

It is worth mentioning that under the leadership of TIEConstruction International, leading Chinese enterprises in many industry segments also actively participate in the construction of Qatar World Cup venues. For example, the roof cable structure used in Lusel Stadium is from the giant rigging, the curtain wall is from Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum Factory, and the main steel structure is from Seiko International. This virtuous circle of "taking the big with the small" and extensively participating in various value chains of the World Cup is an excellent example of further enhancing the overall influence and competitiveness of Chinese enterprises overseas.

"The Lusel Stadium is a landmark project of Chinese enterprises' 'going global'," Chinese Ambassador to Qatar Zhou Jian told reporters. "It has achieved the perfect integration of high-level design and high-quality construction, burnishing the golden brand of 'Built in China'."

Help build a green World Cup

In preparation for this World Cup, Qatar has made extensive use of various environmental protection technologies and energy-saving equipment in an effort to create a green and low-carbon World Cup. In this regard, Chinese companies have also made great contributions.

On October 18, the 800-megawatt photovoltaic power plant in Al-Qasar, Qatar, contracted by Power China, was put into operation. Sheikh Tamim al-Qatari, the Emir of Qatar (head of state), led a number of senior officials to attend the ceremony.

The Alqassa photovoltaic power station, Qatar's first non-fossil fuel power station, is expected to meet 10% of Qatar's peak electricity demand, significantly increasing the share of renewable energy in the country's energy consumption and reducing carbon emissions. The photovoltaic plant was connected to the grid at full capacity ahead of the World Cup, bolstering Qatar's commitment to hosting a "carbon balanced" World Cup.

At the launch ceremony, Qatar's Minister of State for Energy Affairs Saad Kabi spoke highly of the project's contribution to reducing Qatar's carbon emissions, thanked the Chinese companies for their efforts and praised the "geological, environmental and social impacts" taken into account during the construction of the plant.

Chinese companies will not only contribute to the green energy supply for the Qatar World Cup, but also provide convenient and comfortable green transportation for football fans throughout the World Cup.

A Yutong electric bus charges at a supply station

In October 2020, Yutong Bus Co., Ltd. signed an electric bus supply contract with Qatar National Bus Transportation Company, and will invest in the construction of a new energy bus assembly plant in Qatar, providing strong support for the electric public transport strategy of Qatar.

It is understood that about 1,500 Yutong buses have entered Qatar, including 888 electric buses, which will be used as service vehicles for the World Cup.

Qatar's climate is hot and windy, which requires high vehicle performance. Wang Zhengbin, Manager of Yutong Bus Qatar, said, "According to the local environmental conditions and user habits, we delivered vehicles in the air conditioning system, vehicle insulation, sand protection and other aspects of targeted technical modifications. The buses will serve the local road network for a long time after the World Cup."

Yutong Bus also set up a Yutong Service branch in Qatar, which promotes Yutong's overseas service work to enter a new stage. "For this World Cup, Yutong has not only developed a detailed pilot operation and game rehearsal plan for the electric bus operation, but also conducted a weekly rehearsal with customers to simulate the actual operation scenario during the game, so that the vehicles and personnel can enter the game service state in advance," said Gan Shaoying, Yutong Middle East Qatar country service Manager.

Fatima Naimi, spokeswoman for the Qatar World Cup Organizing Committee, said: "The electric buses provided by Chinese enterprises to help Qatar accelerate the pace of emission reduction will not only be a highlight of the Qatar World Cup, but also contribute to strengthening environmental protection and promoting economic development in Qatar."

The extensive and in-depth participation of Chinese companies in the preparations for the Qatar World Cup highlights the dazzling Chinese elements and has made important Chinese contributions. According to Zhou Jian, this not only highlights the competitiveness and influence of Chinese enterprises in international operations, but also deepens the friendship between the two peoples and provides a strong impetus for deepening China-Qatar practical cooperation. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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