Xishuangbanna 12 water conservancy projects began centralized construction
Seetao 2022-11-24 10:16
  • Menghai is an agricultural county. Developing water conservancy is a key measure to promote economic and social development
  • After the construction, it will further improve the comprehensive utilization capacity of water resources in Menghai County, solve the water shortage problem in the area, and improve the urban flood control standard
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On November 22, 2022, the main venue of the 2022 Winter and Spring key water conservancy project promotion meeting in Xishuangbanna Prefecture was held at Menga Reservoir project site in Menghai County to mobilize and deploy the 2022 -- 2023 winter and spring water conservancy construction in the prefecture, dispatch and promote key water conservancy projects, and strive to improve the water security capability of Xishuangbanna Prefecture.

According to reports, this time in Xishuangbanna centralized construction projects a total of 12, the total investment of the project is 3.36 billion yuan, Menghai County centralized construction Menga reservoir, Manxian reservoir and Liusha River basin ecological governance and restoration project 3 projects, the total investment of the project is 1.392 billion yuan. Once completed, it will play an important role in optimizing the pattern of water control and prosperity, stabilizing growth, promoting investment and benefiting people's lives.

Menga Reservoir project is located on the Monkey River, a tributary of Nanlang River, Menga Town, Menghai County. It is a newly built medium-sized reservoir with an estimated total investment of 710.12 million yuan at the feasibility stage. The proposed dam is 61.9m high and has a total storage capacity of 11.127 million m3. After the completion of the reservoir, it can meet the agricultural irrigation water demand of 27,200 mu downstream, drinking water demand of 10,800 people and industrial water demand of Menga Sugar Factory.

Menga Reservoir is also under construction at the same time, located on the Palong River, a secondary tributary of Liusha River in Menghai Town, Menghai County. The total investment is 118,814,700 yuan, and the total storage capacity after completion is 2220,100 million m³, which can solve the irrigation water of the two village committees of Menghai Town, Manxian Reservoir, a small (I) type water conservancy project of 9310 mu of farmland. And the ecological governance and restoration project of Menghai River Basin in Menghai County, Liusha River, which can improve the city's flood control capacity, improve the urban water environment and create a good leisure and entertainment environment for the county residents after its completion.

According to reports, in addition to the 3 projects under construction in Menghai County, Jinghong City and Mengla County also have 5 and 4 key projects under construction. The construction of these 12 projects can fundamentally solve the problem of regional engineering water shortage, fill the irrigation gap, improve the flood control capacity of the river, improve the riverside ecological environment of Xishuangbanna Prefecture, and promote the rational utilization of water resources in Xishuangbanna Prefecture, ensure drinking water and food security, and promote the coordinated development of the region. Editor/He Yuting


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