Bid opening of economic industrial park project around Baiyun Airport
Seetao 2022-11-29 15:11
  • The project is divided into three sections, with a bid price of about 7.29 billion yuan
  • The main construction contents of Section 1 of the Project include resettlement housing, supporting commercial and public buildings, and the available land area is about 147700 square meters
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On November 27, 2022, Guangzhou Public Resources Trading Center released the announcement of the successful candidates for the general contracting bidding for the design and construction of the infrastructure construction of the airport economic industrial park around Baiyun Airport Phase III expansion project. The project is divided into three sections, with a bidding price of about 7.29 billion yuan.

Project overview

Section 1: The main construction contents of this section include resettlement of residential buildings, supporting commercial and public buildings, and planned municipal road facilities, municipal protective green space and park green space within the red line of land use. The construction land area is about 147784 square meters, including residential plot I, plot IV and independent public construction plot V. The total construction area is about 682275.46 square meters. Among them, the building area of residential buildings is about 454,839.11 ㎡, the building area of public buildings is about 33,084.01 ㎡, the building area without capacity is about 20,693.76 ㎡, and the building area of basement is about 173,658.58 ㎡. The highest building height is 99.8m, the highest number of floors is 32, and the highest design grade of foundation is Grade A.

Section 2: The main construction contents of this section include resettlement of residential buildings, supporting commercial and public buildings, and planned municipal road facilities, municipal protective green space and park green space within the red line of land use. The available land area is about 206022 square meters, including residential plot 10, plot 16 and independent public construction plot 2, plot 3, plot 11 and plot 12. The total construction area is about 606714.29 square meters. Among them, the residential building area is about 310330.04 ㎡, the public building supporting building area is about 123992.21 ㎡, the public building supporting building area is about 3909 ㎡, the building area without capacity is about 21995.45 ㎡, and the underground garage building area is about 146487.59 ㎡. The highest building height is 87.8m, the highest number of floors is 28, and the highest design grade of foundation is Grade A.

Section 3: The main construction contents of this section include resettlement of residential buildings, supporting commercial and public buildings, and planned municipal road facilities, municipal protective green space and park green space within the red line of land use. The construction land area is about 72148 square meters, including residential plot 14 and independent public construction plot 13, plot 17 and plot 18. The total construction area is about 284217.68 square meters. Among them, the residential building area is about 185047.39 ㎡, the public supporting building area is about 19029.59 ㎡, the building area without capacity is about 9293.92 ㎡, and the basement building area is about 70846.79 ㎡. The highest building height is 99.8m, the highest number of floors is 32, and the highest design grade of foundation is Grade A.

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Bid winning information

Bid Winner of Lot I: a consortium consisting of Guangdong Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Guangzhou First Construction Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Machinery Construction Group Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Hengsheng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., with a bid winning price of 3.139 billion yuan; The second bid winner: a consortium consisting of Guangdong South China Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., China Construction Sixth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Building Materials Engineering Survey Institute Co., Ltd. and China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., with a bid winning price of 2.86 billion yuan; The bid winner of Lot 3: the consortium consisting of Guangzhou Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Guangdong No.4 Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Northwest Comprehensive Survey and Design Institute, and Guangdong Construction Engineering Construction Co., Ltd., with a bid winning price of 1.299 billion yuan. Editor/Zhao E


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