President Xi Jinping Meets with Senior Leaders of Saudi Arabia
Seetao 2022-12-09 10:02
  • The two sides issued the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • The two heads of state personally signed the Agreement on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and agreed to hold a summit meeting between the two countries in turn every two years
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In recent years, China Saudi Arabia relations have maintained a high level of development. The current international and regional situation is undergoing profound and complex changes, and the strategic and overall nature of China Saudi Arabia relations has become more prominent. China places the development of relations with Saudi Arabia as a priority in the overall diplomatic situation, especially in the Middle East, and is willing to work with Saudi Arabia on the road to national rejuvenation, strengthen the docking of development strategies, deepen practical cooperation in various fields, enhance communication and coordination in international and regional affairs, and promote greater development of China Saudi Arabia comprehensive strategic partnership.

China supports Saudi Arabia's 2030 vision, green Middle East and other major development initiatives, and is willing to actively participate in Saudi Arabia's industrialization process to help Saudi Arabia's diversified economic development. Both sides should implement the the Belt and Road Initiative and Saudi Arabia's "2030 Vision" well, and promote bilateral cooperation in various fields to achieve more results. China is willing to strengthen energy policy communication and coordination with Saudi Arabia, expand the scale of crude oil trade, strengthen cooperation in exploration and development, and implement large-scale energy cooperation projects such as Fujian Gulei Ethylene. China is willing to deepen cooperation with Saudi Arabia in production capacity and infrastructure construction, promote the construction of China Saudi Jizan Industrial Cluster and major infrastructure projects, improve the level of trade, investment and financial cooperation, expand cooperation in e-commerce, digital economy, clean energy, high-tech, aerospace research and development and other fields, and strengthen cooperation in law enforcement, security, counter-terrorism and de extremism. Not long ago, more than 100 Saudi Chinese learners wrote to me in Chinese to express their love for Chinese. I was very happy. China is willing to work with Saudi Arabia to promote cooperation in Chinese education between the two countries to achieve more results. China agreed to list Saudi Arabia as an outbound tourist destination for Chinese citizens to expand personnel exchanges and people to people and cultural exchanges between the two sides.

  Under the current situation, the convening of the first China Arab States Summit and the China Gulf Arab States Cooperation Council Summit is of special significance and will play a strategic leading role in China Arab relations and China Maritime relations in the coming period. China looks forward to working with Saudi Arabia and Arab countries to make the two summits a landmark event in the history of China Arab relations and China Maritime relations, and push China Arab relations and China Maritime relations to a new level.

Mohammed said that Saudi Arabia and China have very close and friendly relations, and Saudi Arabia is China's comprehensive strategic cooperative partner in the Middle East.   Saudi Arabia firmly supports the one China principle, firmly supports China in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, firmly supports China's measures and efforts to eliminate extremism, and firmly opposes any external forces interfering in China's internal affairs in the name of human rights. Saudi Arabia is willing to continue to actively build the the Belt and Road with China, expand trade and mutual investment, welcome more Chinese enterprises to actively participate in Saudi Arabia's industrialization process, participate in Saudi Arabia's major infrastructure construction and energy project cooperation, and strengthen cooperation in the fields of automobile, science and technology, chemicals, mining, etc. Thanks for China's support for Saudi Arabia's "Green Middle East" initiative. Saudi Arabia is willing to strengthen cooperation with China in clean energy, green development and other fields, expand personnel exchanges and cultural exchanges, and hopes that China will continue to support Saudi Arabia in enhancing its ability to teach Chinese. We appreciate China's support for Saudi Arabia to become a dialogue partner of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. We are willing to strengthen communication and coordination with China within the multilateral frameworks of the G20, BRICS and other countries, cooperate to address challenges such as energy security, food security and climate change, and close dialogue and cooperation on major regional hotspot issues, so as to contribute to maintaining regional peace, security and stability and achieving regional common security. Saudi Arabia is willing to play a positive role in promoting the further development of Arab China relations and maritime China relations. I am full of confidence in the future of Saudi Arabia China relations.

The two sides agreed to upgrade the leader of the China Saudi Arabia High level Joint Commission to the level of Prime Minister. Leaders of the two countries jointly attended the text exchange ceremony of cooperation documents in the areas of joint construction of the the Belt and Road, justice, education, hydrogen energy, investment, housing and so on.

I have fresh memories of my last visit to Saudi Arabia. I am pleased to see that the important consensus we have reached on developing China Saudi Arabia relations is being translated into tangible results of cooperation. China Saudi Arabia cooperation has broad prospects. China regards Saudi Arabia as an important force in a multipolar world and attaches great importance to developing a comprehensive strategic partnership with Saudi Arabia. China is willing to continue to strengthen strategic communication with Saudi Arabia, deepen cooperation in various fields, serve the development interests of the two countries and safeguard world peace and stability.In recent years, Saudi Arabia and China have made good progress in strategic docking and cooperation in various fields. Both sides have important consensus on many issues. China's interests are also Saudi Arabia's interests.Editor/Xing Wentao


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