Write a new chapter in the history of the great China-Arab friendship
Seetao 2022-12-13 15:00
  • China-Arab relations are particularly firm and strong amidst changes in the world, times, and history, and move forward more firmly
  • The global development initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping is highly in line with the development needs of Arab countries
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On December 8, 2022, on the eve of the first China-Arab States Summit, Chinese Ambassador to Jordan Chen Chuandong published his signature on the main Jordanian media "Remarks", "Tomorrow", "Nabata", Amon News Agency, Kingdom TV Network, etc. The full text of the article "Writing a New Chapter in the Great History of China-Arab Friendship" is as follows:

The Arabian Peninsula is still warm in the early winter, and a historical covenant between China and Arab countries across the mountains and seas - the first summit between leaders of China and Arab countries is about to kick off. At the time of the summit, China-Arab relations have become more firm and powerful amidst changes in the world, times, and history, and they are moving forward with greater determination.

Mutual support for a peaceful and tranquil world

China and the Arab countries are located at the east and west ends of the Asian and African continents, but both belong to the oriental civilization and are highly compatible in spirit. When the People's Republic of China was born in 1949, it spared no effort to firmly support the Arab people in their struggle for national independence and national liberation. In 1971, with the support of many Arab countries, the People's Republic of China resumed its legal seat in the United Nations. Since then, China and Arab countries have ushered in a new round of diplomatic relations.

When the Chinese delegation attended the UN General Assembly meeting for the first time, it declared that all peace-loving and justice-loving countries and people in the world have an obligation to support the struggle of the Palestinian and Arab peoples. No one has the right to trade their rights to life and national interests for political transactions. Fifty years later, China is still loud and clear. If the Palestine issue is not resolved, China will continue to support the just cause of the Palestinian people.

China firmly believes that the people of the Middle East are the masters of the future and destiny of the region. China firmly supports Arab countries in opposing geopolitical games, eliminating external interference, adhering to strategic independence, enhancing unity and self-improvement, and independently exploring development paths that suit their own national conditions. China advocates the political settlement of regional issues through dialogue and consultation, promotes talks for ceasefire and cessation of war, and makes unremitting efforts to maintain peace in the Middle East. President Xi Jinping proposed a global security initiative, pointing out that a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable Middle East security architecture should be built. Over the past year or so, China has successively proposed initiatives and proposals to realize security and stability in the Middle East, to resolve the Syrian issue politically, and to implement the "two-state solution" to the Palestinian issue.

The Council of Foreign Ministers of the Arab League has passed resolutions on strengthening relations with China for many years, reflecting the strong desire of the Arab countries to develop relations with China. China and Arab states have jointly defended the principles of multilateralism and non-interference in internal affairs, safeguarded the common interests of developing countries, and demonstrated and strengthened the power of justice in the world.

Mutually beneficial cooperation to realize the dream of development and prosperity

China and Afghanistan have different national conditions, systems, cultures, and histories, but they share the same desire to promote stability and development, and share the same dream of realizing national rejuvenation. China has been the largest trading partner of the Arab countries for many years in a row, and the bilateral trade volume has increased from US$200 billion to US$330 billion in the past 10 years.

For a long time, China-Arab cooperation in energy, infrastructure, production capacity and other fields has been fruitful and has a more solid foundation. Arabian crude oil has long accounted for half of China's crude oil imports; not long ago, China and Qatar reached a 27-year supply agreement for liquefied natural gas, setting a record for the longest period in the history of liquefied natural gas transactions. The Lusail Stadium and other Chinese elements were highlighted in the World Cup in Qatar; the new capital project of Egypt undertaken by Chinese companies will become the "tallest building in Africa" in the desert; Chinese companies are also important participants in the reconstruction of Iraq.

At present, China-Arab cooperation in digital economy, green development, aerospace and other emerging fields is in the ascendant, and the potential is constantly being released. China's 5G technology is widely used in the region, helping local digital transformation. China has successfully launched Saudi and Algerian satellites into space, and has advanced joint lunar exploration with the United Arab Emirates. Several photovoltaic power generation projects in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Jordan are constructed or invested and operated by Chinese companies.

Development is the key to solving many problems. The global development initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping is highly in line with the development needs of Arab countries. The joint implementation of the global development initiative by China and the Arab states and the high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative will better achieve strategic alignment, coordinated development, and interconnected growth, and further improve the overall pattern of complementary advantages and mutual benefit.

Sincere exchanges water the flowers of mutual learning among civilizations

In the long course of history, the Chinese and Arab peoples got to know each other through the ancient Silk Road, and the Chinese civilization and the Arab civilization complement each other. We jointly oppose the theory of conflict of civilizations and the theory of superiority of civilization, reject discrimination and prejudice against specific ethnic religions, and advocate the maintenance of excellent traditional culture of the nation. The public opinion foundation of the friendship between the two sides has been continuously consolidated.

In recent years, more and more young people have gone to the other country to study and study, and have become envoys of Sino-Arab cultural exchanges. Chinese language education is very popular. More than 10 Arab countries, including Jordan, have set up Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms, and some countries have incorporated Chinese into their national education systems. Measures such as mutual exemption of visas and visas on arrival have made personnel exchanges between the two sides more convenient, and exchanges in culture, tourism, art, sports, youth, women and other fields have been frequent.

Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, China and Arab countries have joined hands to fight the epidemic and overcome difficulties. Chinese vaccines have helped Arab countries tide over difficult times and achieved localized production.

Jordan is an active participant and contributor to China-Arab cooperation. It was at the Ninth Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum co-chaired by Jordan and China that the two sides agreed to hold the China-Arab Summit.

The world is undergoing profound changes and mankind is facing unprecedented challenges. China and Arab states have always been important forces and strategic partners in maintaining world peace and promoting common development. The two sides need to unite and cooperate and help each other more than ever. At this exciting moment of the first China-Arab Summit, let us strengthen our confidence and redouble our efforts to build a China-Arab community with a shared future for the new era and contribute to the noble cause of human progress. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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