New infrastructure
Kazakhstan plans to launch 5G network in 20 cities
Seetao 2022-12-20 10:03
  • According to the plan, Kazakhstan's national 5G network coverage will reach 75% by 2027
  • Laying fiber optics on national and interstate roads is Kazakhstan's next major task
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In accelerating the construction of new digital infrastructure, some key industries of new infrastructure will open up new room for growth. Baghdat Musin, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan, said on December 19 that the country is currently formulating a new national plan to improve the quality of the network.

According to Musin, the new national plan aims to provide and improve the quality of broadband network services to remote areas and national roads. According to the plan, Kazakhstan's household broadband access rate will reach 100% in 2027, while the national 5G network coverage rate will reach 75%. On the economic front, the communications index will account for 2% of GDP. Mu Xin said: "Connecting more than 3,000 residential areas to fiber optic networks is one of the main tasks under the national planning framework. Together with the World Bank, we will provide special subsidies to subsidize the costs of small and medium-sized operators."

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Musin pointed out that the laying of optical fiber on national and interstate highways is the next major task. "Based on this infrastructure, 4G broadband mobile Internet will be provided along the roads. It is also planned to launch 5G mobile network services in 20 cities. In order to encourage Kazakh operators are investing in 4G and 5G technologies, taking measures to reduce their payment rates to zero. In this regard, more than 3,500 base stations will be installed on the territory of Kazakhstan by 2027". Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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