Jiangyin Qingshan Future Community Urban Renewal Project won the bid!
Seetao 2023-01-08 12:07
  • Qingshan Future Community in Jiangyin City Continuously Accelerates Urban Renewal and Construction
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On January 5, 2023, Jiangyin Public Resources Trading Center released the bid winning results of Jiangyin Qingshan Future Community Urban Renewal Project, and MCC Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd., AVIC Trust Co., Ltd. and Fujian Huarong Construction Group Co., Ltd. won the project.

Project overview

Qingshan Future Community is an important part of "one ring, one axis, two centers and ten clusters" in the west area of Jiangyin City. The project is located between Jiangyin Old Town and Lingang New Town, and the north is close to the Yangtze River. The project is surrounded by convenient transportation, 6km away from Jiangyin Station. Rail Transit Line 2, Rail Transit Line 3, and the second river crossing channel all pass through the project site, adjacent to Wanda Business District, Qingshan Relics Park, and adjacent to the city T station. It is an ecological and livable place to be developed in the main urban area of Jiangyin City.

The estimated total investment of the project is 6361.9 million yuan. Among them, the project construction cost is 5532.09 million yuan, other project construction costs are 553.19 million yuan, and the basic reserve fund is 276.62 million yuan. The capital ratio of the project is 20%.

Urban renewal is related to the vital interests of the people and reflects the level of urban management and service quality. Qingshan Future Community in Jiangyin City is making every effort to improve the quality of urban functions, encourage citizens to participate in urban construction and management through various ways, truly achieve joint governance, joint management, joint construction and sharing, strive to achieve high-quality development, and better meet the people's growing needs for a better life. Editor/Sang Xiaomei


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