so amazing! Karuma Hydropower Project won double awards
Seetao 2023-01-10 16:37
  • The Karuma project is the largest hydropower station under construction in Uganda
  • After completion, it will transform Uganda from a power-short country into a country with spare capacity to transmit power to neighboring countries
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On January 5, 2023, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Uganda held an annual commendation meeting in Kampala. The 812 consortium of Power China Uganda Karuma Project won two awards for social responsibility contribution enterprises and best media promotion enterprises.

Karuma Hydropower Project

According to reports, the Karuma Hydropower Station and its power transmission and transformation project, as a Uganda Tianzi project, is the first project of the Engineering Bureau to exceed 10 billion overseas. Since the start of construction, under the leadership of the superior party committee, the consortium has always adhered to the responsibility concept of serving the people's livelihood and benefiting the society, and actively implemented grassroots community construction, localization strategy, labor skill transfer, localized procurement, social emergency rescue and wildlife management. Protection and other social responsibilities, focusing on creating 3 social responsibility projects - the expansion project of the Masindi Military Camp has been handed over, the Diqiuni Community Hospital project is under construction, and the Amaji Primary School project is under construction, with a total investment of up to 4.5 million US dollars. After it is fully completed and handed over, it will greatly improve the level of medical care and education in grassroots communities, and help Uganda's 2040 national vision development goals.

The joint venture has always adhered to the standpoint of Chinese culture, refined and displayed the spiritual symbols and cultural essence of Chinese civilization, constructed Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative system, told Chinese stories well, spread Chinese voice well, and presented a credible, lovely and respectable Chinese image and enterprise image.

In the future, the project department will continue to fulfill its social responsibilities, undertake the mission of raising the banner, invigorating the culture, and displaying the image, and contribute to Power Construction to spread the voice of China and present a credible, lovely, and respectable image of China. Editor/He Yuting


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