7GW battery + 6GW module project signed with Sichuan Dechang
Seetao 2023-01-14 11:10
  • The total investment of the project is 5 billion yuan, and the estimated annual output value is 20 billion yuan after completion
  • After the completion of the project, it will contribute to the realization of Dechang as a photovoltaic industrial park base in the southwest area
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Recently, Dechang County and Jiangsu Solar Group Co., Ltd. held a signing ceremony for the annual production of 7GW high-efficiency batteries and 6GW photovoltaic modules. Ren Xianming, secretary of the county party committee, Li Youying, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, Yang Xuefeng, deputy secretary of the county party committee, Musekabu, member of the standing committee of the county party committee and deputy county magistrate of the county government, Luo Wei, secretary of the party working committee and director of the management committee of the county characteristic industrial park, county-level related Relevant persons in charge of departments and Jiangsu Sun Group Co., Ltd. participated in the event.

Project Overview

The total investment of the project is 5 billion yuan. After completion, the estimated annual output value will be 20 billion yuan, and the annual profit and tax will reach 2 billion yuan. The development will contribute to the realization of Dechang becoming the photovoltaic industrial park base in the southwest area.

Ren Xianming pointed out that Dechang County is the core area of the National Panxi Strategic Resources Innovation and Development Experimental Zone, with obvious location advantages, excellent investment environment, and an industrial planning foundation for making silicon-based material equipment manufacturing base bigger and stronger. Welcome Sun Group to invest in Dechang and build projects that conform to the national industrial policy and the industrial layout of our county. In the next step, our county will further strengthen the docking with Sun Group, and strive to start construction early, put into production early, and get results early. Editor / Zhao E


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