The Pakistani speaker spoke highly of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
Seetao 2023-01-20 08:51
  • The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project starts in Kashgar, Xinjiang and ends in Gwadar Port, Pakistan
  • It involves entities such as power, energy and roads, and is a flagship project of China's Belt and Road Initiative, which also provides important opportunities for Pakistan's development
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The Speaker of Pakistan's National Assembly, Mahathir Ashraf, recently praised the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor for bringing tremendous development opportunities to Pakistan and a prosperous and peaceful future for the Pakistani people. It is reported that Ashraf recently attended the launching ceremony of the 2022 Sustainable Development Report of the Association of Chinese-Funded Enterprises in Pakistan in Islamabad. The report was jointly released by the Association and the secretariat of the National Assembly's National Parliamentary Task Force on Sustainable Development Goals.

In his speech, Ashraf said that as a pilot project to jointly build the Belt and Road, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will meet the needs of the people and bring benefits to the people. Thanks to the joint efforts of the governments, enterprises and all sectors of society of the two countries, the corridor cooperation has yielded fruitful results, made important contributions to Pakistan's national development and regional connectivity, and played an important role in promoting the in-depth development of Pakistan-China all-weather strategic cooperative partnership and high-quality development of the Belt and Road.

The second phase of the Sujiginari Hydropower Station under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has been intercepted

Ashraf said that the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is closely related to Pakistan's sustainable development and enduring economic interests. With its strong resilience, the Corridor has helped Pakistan meet the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Builders of the two countries have worked together to overcome various difficulties and written a new moving chapter of China-Pakistan friendship. The corridor will surely provide major opportunities for the development of Pakistan and countries along the Belt and Road and contribute to regional prosperity. The Pakistani National Assembly is ready to play a positive role in ensuring the smooth progress of the corridor project. Editor/He Yuting


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