Hubei Yaojiaping Water Control Project started
Seetao 2023-02-01 10:51
  • The dam crest elevation of the reservoir is 750 meters, the maximum dam height is 175 meters, and the dam arc length is 486 meters
  • The estimated total investment of the project is 6.7 billion yuan, which can effectively control flood and reduce flood peak after completion
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On January 31, 2023, Hubei Yaojiaping Water Control Project was commenced in Enshi. This project is one of the major water conservancy projects to be promoted by the Ministry of Water Resources and Hubei Province in 2023.

Project overview

The dam site of Yaojiaping Water Control Project is located in Maze Village, Tunbao Township, Enshi City. The dam crest elevation is 750 meters, the maximum dam height is 175 meters, and the dam arc length is 486 meters. It is the highest RCC double-curvature arch dam in China. The design flood level of the reservoir is 748.30 meters, the normal pool level is 745 meters, the flood control limit level in flood season is 729 meters, and the dead water level is 715 meters. The total storage capacity of the reservoir is 320 million cubic meters, including 110 million cubic meters for flood control.

The Yaojiaping Water Conservancy Project is a key control project in the Qingjiang River Basin of three first-level basins in Hubei Province, with an estimated total investment of 6.7 billion yuan. After the completion of the project, it will be jointly operated with the existing Dalongtan Reservoir in the downstream, which can effectively control the flood and reduce the flood peak, and increase the flood control standard of Enshi urban area to the 50-year return period; It can also use hydropower resources to generate electricity and provide clean energy to the power grid. The annual power generation capacity of the project is 513 million kilowatt-hours, and the annual average power generation benefit is about 200 million yuan.Editor/Ma Xue


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