146 major science and technology projects signed and started in Shanghai Pudong
Seetao 2023-02-02 15:38
  • The first round of major scientific and technological industries and supporting projects started 58 intensively
  • This batch of signed and started projects covers a wide range, high technology content, and strong service functions
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On the morning of February 1, 2023, Shanghai Pudong New Area held the first round of centralized signing and commencement ceremony for major technology industries and supporting projects in 2023. There are a total of 146 projects with a total investment of about 86.7 billion yuan, comprehensively promoting economic recovery and speeding up.

Among them, there were 88 centralized contracted projects with a total investment of about 34.1 billion yuan, mainly focusing on 3+6 new industrial systems such as integrated circuits, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence, as well as new industrial tracks and new kinetic energy fields; About 52.6 billion yuan, mainly involving the three leading industries, intelligent manufacturing and urban function improvement and other fields. This batch of concentrated contracted and started projects covers a wide range, high technology content, and strong service functions. It will inject new and powerful impetus into Pudong's efforts to build a high-end industrial cluster with international competitiveness and promote the construction of a socialist modernization leading area with high quality.

Zhu Zhisong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the District Party Committee, attended and announced that Pudong's major scientific and technological industries and supporting projects will start intensively

88 major technology industry projects were signed at the ceremony, including Changchun High-tech Jinsai Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Innovation Headquarters and R&D Center, Yinosi Headquarters and Innovation Transformation Center, Enjing Automobile R&D Center, Pura Semiconductor Headquarters, Xinzhi Software headquarters, etc., with a total investment of about 34.1 billion yuan. The project mainly focuses on the three leading industries of artificial intelligence, biomedicine, and integrated circuits. At the same time, it focuses on the frontier of technology to accelerate the layout of new industries, adding new vitality to leading high-quality economic development.

Among the project subjects of this batch of concentrated contracts are Schneider Electric, BASF and other 4 Fortune 500 companies, as well as 18 domestic main boards and science and technology innovation headquarters, including Changchun High-tech’s Kinsey Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Innovation Headquarters, Pura Semiconductor Headquarters and other listed companies , as well as 5 overseas listed companies such as the headquarters of Akeso Biotechnology, and more than 50 cutting-edge technology companies such as the Jinqiao R&D Center of Jidu Automobile, the R&D Center of Ultra-high Precision 3D Printing System of Mofang, and the Headquarters of Raycoen Laser, are making every effort to build Pudong It is of great significance to promote the construction of high-end industrial clusters with international competitiveness and high-quality promotion of leading areas.

The total investment of the major technology industry and supporting projects started this time is about 52.6 billion yuan, including Smartway Global Headquarters Park, Zhangjiang Zhoupu Medical Devices Headquarters Park, Holovo Headquarters Base and R&D Center, NVIDIA R&D Center, Jinqiao Jingu Intelligent Manufacturing Park, etc., involving biomedicine, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, automobile manufacturing, and urban function improvement, etc., with a wide coverage, high technological content, and strong service functions, will inject new momentum into Pudong's industrial economy.

It is reported that since the development and opening up of Pudong, it has insisted on high-tech industries first, and has formed a modern industrial system led by three major leaders and six hard cores and a tropical rainforest-style innovation ecology. Pudong occupies 1/5 of the land area of Shanghai, 1/6 The current industrial land has created nearly 1/3 of the total industrial output value of Shanghai and nearly 2/5 of the total output value of strategic emerging industries, and played the role of a stabilizer, ballast stone, and power source for the city's economic development.

In 2022, the total industrial output value of Pudong will continue to break records. In 2023, the total industrial output value will be 1,339.024 billion yuan, an increase of 4.0%. Industrial investment will continue to grow. The annual industrial investment will be 72.328 billion yuan, an increase of 12.3%. companies, concentrated in the fields of biomedicine, integrated circuits, and new materials, including 13 biomedical companies and 5 integrated circuit companies.Editor/Ma Xue


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