Zhang Jian, a witness of the Karot Hydropower Station in Pakistan!
Seetao 2023-02-06 08:34
  • The Karot Hydropower Project is the first large-scale hydropower investment and construction project along the Belt and Road
  • The total investment of the project is about 1.74 billion US dollars, with a total installed capacity of 720,000 kilowatts
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Zhang Jian, from Three Gorges Development, a subsidiary of the China Three Gorges Corporation, is mainly responsible for the public safety management of the Karot project site. He is a witness to the construction of the Karot Hydropower Station. A member of the special hydropower project project team. In order to ensure the smooth completion of the project, the China Three Gorges Group has formed a team of nearly 200 outstanding builders from six subsidiaries, namely Three Gorges International, Three Gorges Development, Yangtze River Electric Power, Three Gorges Construction Engineering, Three Gorges Shanghai Institute and Three Gorges Base Company. In the end, the team lived up to expectations and put all units into operation 54 days ahead of schedule, completing the mission brilliantly.

Looking back on the 7 years of construction, Zhang Jun, the former deputy general manager of Three Gorges South Asia of Three Gorges International and the current director of the corporate culture department of Three Gorges International, is very moved. He just returned from the project, and he has been sticking to the front line of the Pakistan project since 2015. In March 2020, the new crown pneumonia epidemic continued to spread in Pakistan. When the epidemic was at its worst, the entire work area had to be closed for management. In order to ensure the orderly construction of the project, the China Three Gorges Corporation quickly organized Chinese builders to go to Pakistan for support. Many members of the Karot team went retrograde to the site under such circumstances. While ensuring the safety of personnel, we must speed up the construction progress. At the same time, we also cooperate with domestic colleagues to organize donations of nearly 10 million yuan of medical supplies to local hospitals and communities in Pakistan; assist the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan to complete 7 chartered flights with a total of more than 8,600 people/times Environmental testing, inviting three batches of domestic medical experts to Pakistan to assist in the fight against the epidemic......

As the project guarantee unit, the Three Gorges Base Company had at least 6 employees on duty when the epidemic was severe. Walking to and from the factory station which is five or six kilometers apart every day, these employees stick to it for 4 months, making every effort to ensure the power and water supply of the work area. Compared with domestic projects, the construction environment of overseas projects is much more complicated, and difficulties such as cultural differences and language barriers are more significant under the influence of the epidemic. To solve these difficulties, team members have their own coups. Three Gorges Group's team in Karot has set up special teams for comprehensive coordination, epidemic prevention and control, civil construction, mechanical and electrical construction, flood control, and power production, issued daily work manuals, improved meeting, communication and supervision mechanisms, and formulated progress plans. Implement the plan with the general goal of daily insurance, weekly insurance, monthly insurance, and monthly insurance.

Three Gorges International combined the Three Gorges Hydropower Development Standard and IFC's ES Standard to form Karot Practice, which has now become a new standard for hydropower station construction in Pakistan. With the joint efforts of Chinese and Pakistani builders, the construction of the Karot project has shown a full-blown situation, which not only achieved the completion of the project ahead of schedule, but also provided valuable experience for other projects in Pakistan. Pakistan has a tropical climate with generally high temperatures. The lack of fossil fuels and insufficient power supply restrict the local social and economic development. The total installed capacity of the Karot Hydropower Station is 720,000 kilowatts. After it is put into operation, the average annual power generation will be about 3.2 billion kilowatt-hours, and it is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 3.5 million tons per year. On the eve of full-scale production and power generation, Pakistani Prime Minister Shabaz Sharif visited the site and said that the Karot Hydropower Station will provide Pakistan with high-quality and clean electricity, promote green development, and solve the local coal-burning emergency. He expressed his appreciation for the team's efforts grateful! The Karot Hydropower Station has also received many honors and titles: Pakistani Ambassador to China Moin Haq Karot called it the Three Gorges Project in Pakistan; the Pakistan Electricity Regulatory Commission named it an outstanding HSE performer in 2022; Mohammad Aftab Alam said that this project has brought future and hope to our country; the local primary school students in the project drew a children's painting symbolizing the friendship between China and Pakistan to express his joy. Tang Pengfei from the development of the Three Gorges loves photography. He records the growth of the dam in his spare time. It takes 6 years to take a picture. Tang Pengfei said that from the initial design drawings, to the changing photos in the camera, to the commissioning of all units for power generation on June 29, 2022, as a member of the Carlote builders, he was extremely proud and proud at that moment . Editor/He Yuting


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