Major projects in Fengtai, Beijing will be launched in 2023
Seetao 2023-02-06 10:18
  • The project covers modern industries, infrastructure, people's livelihood and other fields
  • In the future, Fengtai District will focus on the construction of Lize Financial and Business District, Zhongguancun Fengtai Garden, South Central Axis and other areas
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On February 4, 2023, the centralized commencement of 2023 major projects in Fengtai District, Beijing and the launching ceremony of the International Financial City in Lize North District were successfully held in the Lize Land Protection and Lowering Project of China Construction Eighth Bureau. The total investment of the 20 major projects to be started and resumed this time is 40.2 billion yuan, including 10 projects with more than 1 billion yuan.

Lize initiated Jinrun project

The commencement of the underground infrastructure and comprehensive development supporting project in the north area of Lize Financial and Business District marks the official start of the project in the International Finance City in the north area of Lize. Centering on the Lize Terminal, the Lize Business District will present a global dynamic center with a total construction scale of about 1.6 million square meters, covering business office, consumption hub, cultural and leisure functions, further attracting and gathering international enterprises such as multinational financial institutions and high-end business company headquarters to settle in and accelerating the concentration of Lize financial industry.

"In 2023, Fengtai District plans to arrange the construction of 160 major projects, with a total investment of 341.9 billion yuan, mainly covering seven fields, including high-end and sophisticated industries, municipal infrastructure, public service facilities, ecological environment construction, urban renewal, urban and rural coordinated development, and housing security." The relevant person in charge of the Fengtai District Development and Reform Commission said that in 2023, Fengtai District will promote Dianliang Liangshui River, the second phase of the South Central Axis International Cultural and Technological Park The construction of 48 new projects including the west extension of Yungang Road was accelerated, and the construction of 112 continuing projects including Lize City Terminal, Yuanbo Digital Economic Industrial Park and Nanyuan Forest Wetland Park was accelerated.Editor/Ma Xue


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