Central enterprises
China Power Construction signed a contract with Nanjing City
Seetao 2023-02-06 15:34
  • A total of 61 major investment projects were signed in this event, with a total investment of over 80 billion yuan
  • The implementation of the strategic cooperation agreement between the two parties will contribute to power construction wisdom and strength to help build a strong Fumei high-tech Nanjing
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On the afternoon of February 4, 2023, Ding Yanzhang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of PowerChina, met with Chen Zhichang, Deputy Secretary of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Nanjing in Nanjing, and jointly attended the signing of major investment projects in Nanjing in 2023. Regional Headquarters/China Power Construction East China Investment Co., Ltd. was unveiled and witnessed the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement between the two parties. Wang Xiaojun, member of the Standing Committee of the company's party committee and deputy general manager, Yang Xuepeng, Deng Zhiyi, Jin Weidong, and Huang Hui, leaders of Nanjing City, participated in the event.

China Power Construction East China Investment Co., Ltd. was unveiled and established

Ding Yanzhang expressed his gratitude to the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for their long-term care and support to Power China, and introduced the company's development status, strategic planning and development in Nanjing. He said that PowerChina closely follows the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, focuses on the integration of investment, construction and operation around water, energy, sand, city, and data, gives full play to the front-end and leading advantages of planning and design, and actively serves the national regional development strategy. get better development. The cooperation between the two sides has a solid foundation, broad space and bright prospects for cooperation. PowerChina is willing to continue to give full play to the advantages of the entire industrial chain, continue to deepen Nanjing's localized operation, increase investment in infrastructure, energy and power, water resources and the environment, and promote the implementation of the strategic cooperation agreement between the two parties, so as to help build a strong, rich, beautiful, high-tech Nanjing Contribute to power construction wisdom and strength.

Chen Zhichang welcomed Ding Yanzhang and his delegation, and expressed his gratitude to PowerChina for its positive contribution to Nanjing's economic and social development. He pointed out that at present, the whole city of Nanjing is deeply studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implementing the decision-making and deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, anchoring the demonstration and leading position of the practice of Chinese-style modern cities, and vigorously improving the energy level of urban development. Strengthen the core functions of the city, and unswervingly promote high-quality development and modernization. Nanjing has obvious location advantages and a strong industrial foundation. It is hoped that PowerChina will give full play to the advantages of the central enterprise platform, deepen the investment layout in Nanjing, and cultivate more fields. The Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will continue to optimize the business environment, provide service guarantee with heart and soul, ensure that PowerChina can achieve better development in Nanjing, and promote mutual benefit and win-win results for both parties. Keywords: Central SOEs, Nanjing Complex

At the event site, 61 major investment projects were signed, covering multiple emerging industries such as biomedicine, intelligent manufacturing, green energy, and modern finance, with a total investment of over 80 billion yuan. Among them, China Power Construction Jiangsu Survey and Design Research Institute, China Water Conservancy and Hydropower Jiangsu Engineering Company, China Power Construction Smart New Energy, Green New Materials Comprehensive Development and Construction and other projects have signed agreements simultaneously. Editor / Zhao E


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