New infrastructure
Hunan: Accelerate the construction of Ningdian into Hunan UHV DC project
Seetao 2023-02-07 09:09
  • Accelerate the construction of energy projects and start construction of a number of wind power and photovoltaic projects
  • Strive for more than 130 billion yuan in special bonds to support the construction of major projects in major infrastructure and other fields
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Under the background of steady growth, the development of infrastructure investment has become the focus of the market. On February 5, 2023, the General Office of the Hunan Provincial People's Government issued a notice on "Several Policies and Measures Concerning Taking the Initiative for Economic Growth and Realizing the Overall Improvement of Economic Operation" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan").

"Planning" pointed out that to strengthen the use of energy. Accelerate the construction of energy projects. The supply capacity of new coal power projects will exceed 4 million kilowatts. Start the construction of a number of wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects. Accelerate the construction of the UHV DC project of "Ningdian Power into Hunan". Actively strive to send foreign electricity to Hunan according to the maximum capacity during the winter and summer peak periods. Optimizing power load management to fully guarantee the power demand of enterprises. Actively strive for an increase of more than 5% in the amount of natural gas contracts, accelerate the construction of a number of gas storage facilities, and fully guarantee the gas demand of enterprises. Continue to deepen the reform of water and electricity prices to reduce energy costs for enterprises. Keywords: infrastructure, infrastructure construction, domestic engineering news, planning investment

For the project land included in the list of national and provincial key construction projects, the provincial level will coordinate and guarantee the land use plan indicators. For eligible major projects, if the permanent basic farmland involved cannot be supplemented within the city area, it can be supplemented within the provincial area. Optimize and improve the efficiency of land use and forest use approval. Strive to invest more than 20 billion yuan in the central budget and more than 130 billion yuan in special bonds to support the construction of major projects in the fields of public services and major infrastructure. Set up the third round of "three highs and four new" financing special projects with a total amount of 150 billion yuan to support the construction of major projects. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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