45 key projects in Caolu Town, Pudong, Shanghai started construction
Seetao 2023-03-01 14:06
  • A total of 45 key projects in 5 categories will be settled in Caolu under the contract, with a total investment of 330 yuan
  • Caolu Town is along the river and facing the sea, and the park is surrounded by water on many sides. For this reason, the characteristic industrial community of Caolu was named Dongfangwan Industrial Park
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On the morning of February 28, 2023, the key projects of Caolu Town, Pudong in 2023 were signed and started construction and the release ceremony of the two bays was held. At the ceremony, Dongdongwan Modern Industrial Park and Jinhaiwan Modern Town made a new appearance, becoming new highlights in the industrial development of Caolu Town.

Caolu Town is along the river and facing the sea, and the park is surrounded by water on many sides, so we named the Caolu Characteristic Industrial Community Dongfangwan Industrial Park. According to the person in charge of Caolu Town, Dongfangwan Modern Industrial Park is one of the 3+5+X key overall transformation areas in Shanghai's industrial map, and it is also an important node in the industrial layout system of two corridors and one ring in the Pudong area. The industrial park will actively undertake the industrial chain enterprises of Jinqiao and Zhangjiang, two major industrial highlands, and establish a demonstration park that is dominated by integrated circuits and combines cutting-edge industrial technologies and innovative product applications such as artificial intelligence and intelligent manufacturing.

According to the relevant person in charge of the industrial park, in terms of the integrated circuit industry, it will connect with the development of Zhangjiang Jinqiao integrated circuit industry and gradually expand the industrial ecology; relying on Shanghai Microelectronics, closely build industrial clusters, and promote the landing of upstream and downstream enterprises of lithography machines; connect with Zhangjiang Science City Integrated circuit design link, development of mid-downstream manufacturing-packaging-testing link, etc. In terms of the biomedical industry, the spillover effect of Zhangjiang Medicine Valley will be brought into play to make the biomedical production base bigger and stronger. In terms of artificial intelligence industry, it will focus on AI + chip applications, AI + medical applications, industrial collaboration in the park, and focus on intelligent applications of integrated circuits and biomedicine.

In the future, relying on the development and upgrading of leading enterprises such as Shanghai Microelectronics, the industrial park will attract further upstream and downstream related enterprises in the industrial chain, and focus on cultivating a group of specialized new enterprises and hidden champion enterprises with outstanding core technology capabilities and strong integrated innovation capabilities . Echoing Zhangjiang's transformation from park to city, Caolu's key projects and parks are also striving to realize the integrated development of parks and towns. For example, the overall environment of the park will be improved, with Huadong Road, Dongjing Road, and Shangchuan Road as the main landscape axes, and the style and function of the roads and streets will be improved and transformed. At the same time, it pays attention to the creation of low-carbon green parks, and configures green and smart scene elements such as photovoltaic walkways, smart street lights, and comprehensive energy information signs.

The Golden Bay Modern Town closely follows the development goals of the beautiful Xincao Road that is suitable for living, working and studying, and takes sports and cultural complexes as the core to build a pattern of blending water and green, double corridors and three valleys, and empower the high-quality development of the city.

Caolu Town will focus on signing key projects in 2023. A total of 45 key projects in 5 categories, including industrial projects, industrial renewal reserves, rural revitalization, people's livelihood and land collection and storage, will be settled in Caolu, with a total investment of 330 million yuan. Yuan, which shows that Caolu Town has a strong driving force to gather development momentum and upgrade the industrial energy level. Editor / Zhao E


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