In February 2023, a total of 19 pumped storage projects made important progress
Seetao 2023-03-09 09:27
  • Among the 19 pumped storage projects, 11 power stations have been signed, approved or formally started
  • In 2022, there will be 48 newly approved pumped storage projects nationwide, with an installed capacity of 68.9 million kilowatts
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Under the background of accelerating the implementation of dual carbon targets, the construction of pumped storage power stations will boost sustainable economic development. According to incomplete statistics, a total of 19 pumped storage power plants have made important progress in February 2023, of which 11 pumped storage power plants have been signed, approved or officially started.

In addition, two pumped storage power stations with a scale of more than 2 million kilowatts have ushered in important progress. On February 11, the largest pumped storage power station in Gansu Province, invested and constructed by China National Nuclear Corporation Xinhua Power, started construction smoothly. This is also the largest pumped storage power station currently under construction in Gansu Province, with a designed total installed capacity of 2.1 million kilowatts.

A few days ago, Shaoguan Municipal People's Government and China Huadian Corporation Guangdong Branch held a signing ceremony for a strategic investment framework agreement. The two parties will build a new power system demonstration area in Shaoguan with new energy as the main body. Huadian Guangdong Company will invest 13 billion yuan to build a pumped storage power station with a total installed capacity of 2.4 million kilowatts in Lechang City in two phases.

In 2022, there will be 48 newly approved pumped storage projects across the country, with an installed capacity of 68.9 million kilowatts, which has exceeded the total approved scale during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. Newly put into operation throughout the year is 8.8 million kilowatts, a record high. As of the end of 2022, the installed capacity of pumped storage in the country will reach 45.39 million kilowatts.

The mid- and long-term development plan for pumped storage energy (2021-2035) points out that by 2025, the total scale of pumped storage put into operation will double that of the 13th Five-Year Plan, reaching more than 62 million kilowatts; by 2030, the total scale of pumped storage put into operation Double that of the 14th Five-Year Plan, reaching about 120 million kilowatts; by 2035, a modern pumped storage industry with advanced technology, high-quality management, and strong international competitiveness will be formed to meet the needs of large-scale development of a high proportion of new energy. A group of large-scale backbone enterprises of pumped storage. Keywords: infrastructure, infrastructure construction, domestic engineering news, planning investment

The sharp increase in pumped storage power station projects on the one hand highlights the shortcomings of China's power system in energy storage, and at the same time makes this field a new blue ocean of investment, and its important role in the development of the new energy power industry is slowly being brought into play. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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