S27 Hohhot-Ordos Expressway is about to start construction
Seetao 2023-03-14 09:15
  • The total length is 204.4 kilometers, two-way four-lane, and the speed is 120 kilometers per hour
  • After completion, it will realize the two-hour access between Ordos, Hohhot and Baotou
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The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region covers 12.3% of China's total area, but its permanent population is only 25.34 million, showing a situation of vast land and sparse population, and its economic development is relatively backward. Due to its rich resources and vast territory, Inner Mongolia has always been called a cornucopia, with rich resources such as rare earths and coal mines. However, none of these can promote the rapid development of the local economy, and the lack of high-quality industries has led to serious population loss and a situation of repeated cycles. The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is adjacent to eight provinces and autonomous regions, and its geographical location should have certain advantages. A large part of the root cause of the current situation is that the economy of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region cannot communicate well with the outside world due to underdeveloped transportation. Butt docking, resulting in economic development has been in a relatively backward state.

In recent years, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has adjusted and re-established the industrial structure and industrial policies of the autonomous region in response to the policy recommendations of relevant state departments. The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has achieved zero breakthroughs in the construction of high-speed railways. The Tongliao-Chifeng-Beijing-Shenyang link project and the Huzhang high-speed railway have been completed and opened to traffic successively. The fastest time for Hohhot to Beijing is 2 hours and 12 minutes.

In the 14th Five-Year Development Plan of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, it is mentioned that the total mileage of highways in the autonomous region will reach 215,000 kilometers by 2025, including 8,500 kilometers of expressways, and the supply level of comprehensive transportation infrastructure must be significantly improved. In order to achieve this goal, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is laying out the construction of a high-quality traffic road network, and the S27 Hohhot-Ordos expressway construction project is also one of the actively promoted projects this time.

S27 Hohhot-Ordos Expressway

This expressway connects Hohhot City and Ordos City. The total length of the project is 204.4 kilometers. The starting point is located at the Kangbashi Connection Line, which is connected with the main line of the highway, and goes south along the west side of the Dongwu Railway. Yukang The Bash New District terminates and connects with the east section of Ordos Street. The expressway is about 126.5 kilometers long in the city of Ordos, and about 77.9 kilometers long in the city of Hohhot. The northern end of the main bridge of the Yellow River Super Bridge is the dividing point between the two cities of the expressway. The expressway is constructed according to the two-way four-lane expressway standard, with asphalt concrete pavement, and the design speed reaches 120 km/h.

At present, there are two main lines connecting Ordos City and Hohhot City, one is through the G18 Rongwu Expressway and S31 Huda Expressway, the other is through the G65 Baomao Expressway and G6 Beijing-Tibet Expressway. The resources in some areas are transported out of the country, and the passage takes more than three hours. After the construction project of the S27 Hohhot-Ordos expressway is completed and opened to traffic, the opening time of the two cities will be shortened by about one hour and the mileage will be reduced by about 60 kilometers. To a certain extent, it will drive the needs of regional resource development, realize the direct and fast connection between Hohhot and Ordos, and realize the pilot task of integrating transportation and tourism into a transportation power. Editor/He Yuting


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