Construction of 4 hydropower stations in Zhangjiakou, Hebei is about to start
Seetao 2023-03-14 10:07
  • The four major power stations are expected to be completed and put into operation in 2029
  • The four pumped storage power stations are Jiugongshan in Yuxian County, Shuiyu in Yuxian County, Huailai Guanting and Baihe in Chicheng
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Recently, a reporter from Seedao.com came to the construction site of the pumped storage power station project in Shangyi County, Zhangjiakou City. On the top of the mountains, a pumped storage power station project is under construction. Li Yan, the investor of the power station and the general manager of Shangyi Huahao Pumped Storage Power Generation Co., Ltd., told reporters that as the first pumped storage power station in Zhangjiakou City, the total installed capacity of the project is 1,400 megawatts, and a total of 4 single-machine 350,000-kilowatt reversible hydropower plants are deployed. Turbine generator set with a designed annual generating capacity of 1.54 billion kWh. The project is expected to be put into operation at full capacity in June 2026, which can save 120,000 tons of standard coal per year and increase local tax revenue by 110 million yuan.

According to the relevant person in charge of Zhangjiakou City Energy Bureau, this pumped storage power station, known as a storage battery, will undertake tasks such as peak regulation, valley filling, frequency regulation, phase regulation and emergency backup in the Beijing-Tianjin and northern Hebei power grids after completion. It can provide flexible scheduling and inter-network complementary services for North China Power Grid. At the same time, clean energy will be delivered to Xiong'an New Area.

As the country's only renewable energy demonstration zone approved by the State Council, Zhangjiakou, which is positioned as a green transformation development demonstration zone and a renewable energy innovation zone for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, has achieved remarkable results in new energy construction in recent years. At present, it is applying for the construction of a 10-million-kilowatt-level energy storage base with pumped storage as the main support and supplemented by various energy storage technologies such as electrochemical energy storage, compressed air energy storage, and flywheel energy storage, so as to better serve Beijing. Tianjin, Hebei and green and low-carbon development.

4 pumped storage power stations

According to reports, Zhangjiakou will start construction of four projects like the Shangyi Pumped Storage Power Station in 2023. The four pumped storage power stations are Jiugongshan in Yuxian County, Shuiyu in Yuxian County, Guanting in Huailai and Baihe in Chicheng. They are expected to be completed and put into operation in 2029; 18 new planning stations including Changyukou in Chongli and Xipingshan in Huaian have been completed Site selection and geological survey work are being carried out, and the total installed capacity of the project is expected to reach 5 million kilowatts after completion. Located in Zhangjiakou, which is superior to Beijing, the construction of multi-scenario and large-scale energy storage is slowly unfolding.

Jiugongshan Pumped Storage Power Station is located in Yuxian County, about 240 kilometers away from Beijing. The initial installed capacity of the power station is 1.2 million kilowatts. After completion, it will mainly serve the Beijing-Tianjin and northern Hebei power grids, and undertake peak and valley filling, energy storage, and frequency regulation. Tasks such as phase and emergency backup will inevitably play an important role in absorbing new energy and reducing the impact of new energy on the power grid. Shuiyu pumped storage power station has an installed capacity of 1.2 million kilowatts, Huailai Guanting pumped storage power station has an installed capacity of 1.4 million kilowatts, and Chicheng Baihe pumped storage power station has an installed capacity of 1.4 million kilowatts.

It is reported that in 2022, 6 projects in Zhangjiakou City will be included in the annual list of provincial grid-side independent energy storage demonstration projects, with a total installed capacity of 1.26 million kilowatts, ranking first in Hebei Province in terms of both the number of projects and the installed capacity. In addition, a total of 5 shared energy storage power stations have been deployed in the 4 counties of Shangyi, Chicheng, Yangyuan, and Huaian, with a total installed capacity of 750,000 kilowatts. Zhangjiakou City plans to build 23 pumped storage power stations, and 6 key pumped storage projects, with a total installed capacity of 6.7 million kilowatts, 4 of which are included in the national pumped storage medium and long-term planning reserve projects, and 1 new site has been completed Site selection demonstration work. At the same time, Zhangjiakou City is making every effort to build an energy storage equipment manufacturing base. In April 2022, the 100-megawatt advanced compressed air energy storage equipment manufacturing industrial park officially started. After the project is put into operation, it will achieve an annual output of 4 sets of 100-megawatt advanced energy system. Editor/He Yuting


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