Amaji Primary School in Uganda praised Sinohydro
Seetao 2023-03-14 10:54
  • The main building of the project will renovate the original four classrooms and build related engineering facilities at the same time
  • After the completion of the Amaji Primary School project, the hardware and software facilities of local basic education have been greatly improved
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Recently, Amaji Primary School in Kabutini Township, Uganda, sent a thank-you letter to Sinohydro Uganda Karuma 812 Joint Venture, praising Sinohydro’s charitable deed of student aid and expressing its sincere gratitude.

It is understood that Mr. Richard, the principal of Amaji Primary School, stated in the letter that the construction of Amaji Primary School has eased the shortage of teaching resources, solved the current living and learning difficulties of teachers and students, and also benefited the surrounding residents. It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to grow people. This Chinese proverb can more accurately express the great significance of Sinohydro’s donation to the community here. This will benefit generations of residents and promote the development of national education. Thanks to Sinohydro, and sincere blessings!

Amaji Primary School

Amaji Primary School is one of the corporate social projects of Sinohydro Karuma Project, with a construction investment of 1.5 million US dollars. It is located in Kabutini Town, Oyam District, Uganda, including design, construction, and procurement. The main building includes the renovation of the original 4 classrooms, 6 new classrooms, student dormitory, faculty dormitory, library, computer room, office and other facilities, also equipped with water supply (including rainwater collection), drainage and solar energy systems, greening and fences, water wells, computers, desks Chairs, bookshelves, filing cabinets, canopy beds and other living and learning appliances.

In the process of building the Karuma Hydropower Station, the Sinohydro Karuma 812 Consortium has always adhered to the social responsibility concept of serving the people's livelihood and benefiting the society, and actively fulfilling corporate social responsibilities. In addition to routinely providing jobs and jobs for local residents In addition to skills training, bridge and road construction, voluntary medical treatment and other activities, a primary school and two hospitals were donated as a whole. The smooth transfer and use of these projects has greatly promoted the development of Uganda's education, health, people's livelihood, transportation, employment and other industries, and has been widely recognized and praised by the local government and community residents. Editor/He Yuting


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