Shanxi Houma will build a 1200MW pumped storage power station project
Seetao 2023-03-14 14:44
  • The signing of the investment cooperation intention agreement will speed up the construction of the pumped storage project in Houma City
  • After completion, it will be of great significance to improving the local ecological environment and developing the cultural tourism industry
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Recently, Houma City, Shanxi Province held a signing ceremony for the investment and development cooperation of the pumped storage power station project. According to reports, Liu Shaojun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of China Energy Construction Group Shanxi Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd., Ma Jinping, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of China Gezhouba Group Co., Ltd., and Yin Mingxing, Deputy Secretary of the Houma Municipal Committee and Mayor attended the meeting. Bai Yongming, member of the Standing Committee of the Houma Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, presided over the signing ceremony. Liang Xiaojie, deputy mayor of Houma City, and principals of relevant departments attended the signing ceremony.

Houma Pumped Storage Power Station Project

It is understood that the initial installed capacity of the pumped storage power station project signed between Houma City and the two companies is 1.2 million kilowatts, with a total investment of about 7.8 billion yuan. After the project is completed, the annual power generation will be 2.1 billion kwh. It can boost local GDP by about 10.8 billion yuan and increase tax revenue by more than 140 million yuan each year. The introduction of this project will not only enrich the energy structure of Houma City, increase the proportion of green energy, but also conserve water resources, and promote the rapid development of the cultural and tourism industry in Houma City by virtue of the landscape of high valleys rising from flat ground.

The deputy secretary of the Houma Municipal Party Committee and the mayor said in his speech that the project docking contract between the Houma Municipal Government and China Gezhouba Group Co., Ltd. and China Energy Construction Group Shanxi Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. is not only the deepening of cooperation between Houma and Energy China, A strategic move to seek common development also marks a key step taken by Houma in accelerating the development of the new energy field and promoting carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. In 2023, the Linfen Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government entrusted Houma with the strategic task of carrying out urban construction as the economic growth pole in the south and a land port-type national logistics hub. Houma will continue to expand the 5+N chain main enterprise camp, and vigorously promote industrial integration, industry-city integration, and military-civilian integration. , integration of data and reality, and integration of culture and tourism, to effectively improve the level of opening up to the outside world, the pace of application for the construction of comprehensive bonded areas is accelerating, and a road of high-quality development with Houma characteristics is constantly going steadily, well, and solidly.

China Gezhouba Group Co., Ltd. is a backbone subsidiary of China Energy Construction. After 50 years of development, it has become one of the most competitive listed companies in China and a well-known infrastructure investment and construction operator; Shanxi Power Construction is a large-scale A central enterprise group construction enterprise with infrastructure investment and construction, project contracting and operation management capabilities, with the ability to build the entire industrial chain of electric power, with a bank credit scale of more than 10 billion, the strength is very strong. This signing is an important step for Houma to create a new economic growth point in the energy industry. It is an active exploration of cooperation and common development with China Energy Construction Group. important step in development. In the next step, Houma City will provide high-quality, fast and all-round services for the development of projects in Houland with a first-class business environment, and write a new chapter in energy development. Editor/He Yuting


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