Shanghai West Bund Financial City Lot E Project started construction
Seetao 2023-03-17 14:34
  • The total construction area of the Shanghai West Bund Financial City Lot E project is about 460,000 square meters
  • The project adopts ultra-long servo hybrid support system, PC external wall hanging steel structure, Qingshui Planetarium and other leading technologies in the industry
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On March 15, 2023, the groundbreaking ceremony of the Shanghai West Bund Financial City Block E project of China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau was successfully held. Relevant persons in charge of the Financial City Lot E project and all management personnel attended the ceremony.

The Financial City Lot E project is located on the banks of the Huangpu River in the east of Xuhui District, connecting the sub-center of Xujiahui City, close to the inner ring road, with a total land area of about 78,000 square meters and a total construction area of about 460,000 square meters. PC external wall hanging steel structure, Shimizu Planetarium and other leading technologies in the industry. With the concept of meridian, network, latitude and diameter, Shanghai Nanpu Industrial Base as the background, and the goal of China's high-end commercial landmark and luxury shopping new highland, it will show the modern and cutting-edge concept of Shanghai style and attract the attention of the world.

As the block E of the West Bund Financial City, which undertakes the heavy responsibility of being modern and cutting-edge, it presents the standard and concept construction of a new generation of financial city from a Shanghai perspective, a Shanghai scale, and a Shanghai attitude. It attaches importance to human interaction and life, and combines culture, vitality, fashion, The five thematic elements of finance and technology are integrated into it, gathering multi-dimensional models such as urban core, art block, landscape green lung, art symbiosis, leisure and social interaction, tourism and sightseeing, to create a warm urban public living room, to create China's high-end commercial landmark, the highest luxury shopping To build a new growth pole of Shanghai International Financial Center. Editor / Zhao E


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