Four Chinese companies won overseas projects
Seetao 2023-03-20 09:58
  • The implementation of the Central Asia Regional Connection Project will greatly improve the urban road network of Khorog
  • Four Chinese companies have won overseas engineering projects one after another, making positive contributions to China's technology going global
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Recently, under the guidance of the Belt and Road cooperation initiative, four Chinese companies adhered to the cooperation concept of extensive consultation, joint construction and shared benefits, actively fulfilled their corporate social responsibilities, entered the international market, and signed a new batch of overseas infrastructure projects.

CRBC wins bid for Central Asia regional connection project

On March 18, 2023, CRBC received the notice of winning the bid for the first section of the Central Asia Regional Connection Project from the Ministry of Communications of Tajikistan. The project content includes two bridges of 200 meters and 81 meters, a 900-meter bridge connection line, and a 550-meter open hole.

The project is located in Khorog City, Badakhshan Autonomous Prefecture, eastern Tajikistan. The implementation of the project will greatly improve the urban road network of Khorog City, facilitate travel, and promote economic development in remote areas in eastern Tajikistan.

China Petroleum Engineering Construction signed a contract for the Iraqi gas upgrade project

Recently, CPECC Middle East Company and Iraqi Halfaya Project Company signed the EPCC general contract for the CPF1/CPF2 gas compression system upgrade project. This project is to renovate and expand the natural gas compressor system and condensate system in CPF1 and CPF2 stations to ensure the supply of natural gas and condensate after the GPP project is put into operation, and to further improve the comprehensive utilization rate of natural gas. The project supervisor is Petrofac, and the contract period is 540 days.

Sinoma Energy Conservation signed the general contract for combined heat and power supply in Pakistan

Recently, the Sinoma Energy Conservation Engineering Branch of China National Building Materials Group and Pakistan LCI Company signed the EP general contract of LCI Company's combined heat and power supply again through the "cloud signing" method. This cooperation will further strengthen the influence of Sinoma Energy Conservation in Pakistan's chemical industry, and is of great significance to Sinoma Energy Conservation's further development of the Pakistani market.

CCCC No. 1 Engineering Bureau won the bid for the interior decoration project in Ethiopia

CCCC First Engineering Bureau won the bid for the interior decoration project of T1 and T2 of Ethiopian Boli Airport, and formally signed the main project contract with Ethiopian Airlines Group. The project is located at Ethiopian International Airport. It is an indoor fine decoration project based on existing projects, including the T1 terminal building, T2 terminal building, the interior decoration project of the expansion area of the Eastern District and the terminal. Renovation of the outdoor parking lot of the building, etc.Editor/Ma Xue


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