Xinjiang Barkol Airport Continuation Project Started
Seetao 2023-03-20 10:46
  • Balikol Airport takes into account the development of general aviation and is expected to be completed by the end of 2024
  • In 2023, Xinjiang Airport Group plans to implement 7 regional airport construction projects, including 4 continued construction projects and 3 new construction projects
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Recently, at the construction site of the continued construction of Balikol Airport in Xinjiang, as construction machinery entered the site one after another, workers entered the construction site, which means that the construction of Balikol Airport has resumed. By the end of 2023, with the successive completion of Qitaijiang Blake and Jingbayinbulak airports, the number of Xinjiang (including Corps) airports will reach 27.

Xinjiang Barkol Civil Airport

According to reports, Xinjiang Barkol Civil Airport is positioned as a domestic civil feeder airport with a flight area level of 4C. A new runway with a length of 3,000 meters and a width of 45 meters will be built, and a terminal building with an area of 4,000 square meters and a station with 5 seats will be built. , supporting the construction of air traffic control, oil supply, power supply, water supply, fire rescue and other facilities. This phase of the project is designed to meet the target of an annual passenger throughput of 300,000 passengers and a cargo and mail throughput of 700 tons, taking into account the development of general aviation. It is planned to complete the project construction task by the end of 2024.

In 2023, Xinjiang Airport Group plans to implement 7 feeder airport construction projects, including 4 continued construction projects, namely the reconstruction and expansion project of Kashgar Airport, the Qitaijiang Blake, Hejing Bayinbulak, and Barkol Airport projects; newly started projects 3, respectively Luntai Airport New Construction Project, Karamay, Nalati Airport Reconstruction and Expansion Project. At present, the reconstruction and expansion project of Kashi Airport, the continuation project of Qitaijiang Blake, and Balikun Airport are fully under construction. Due to the regional temperature, the Hejing Bayinbulak Airport project is expected to resume work by the end of March. The new construction project of Luntai Airport, the reconstruction and expansion project of Karamay and Nalati Airport are currently in the approval stage of feasibility study report, and it is expected that the preliminary work will be completed and construction will start in the second half of the year.

In 2023, according to the overall promotion plan of the Urumqi Airport Reconstruction and Expansion Project, the terminal area project will be completed to 90% of the total project volume, the work area housing construction and supporting municipal facilities will be basically completed, and the flight area project will be completed by borrowing 39 million yuan of earthwork Cubic meters, organize and implement pavement, navigation lighting, enclosure and slope protection, fire protection and communication pipe network projects in stages and regions. Off-site supporting water, electricity and gas will be completed before the end of the year.

At present, the preliminary work of the Xinjiang airport reserve project is also advancing in an orderly manner. The new project of Wusu Airport has completed the review and evaluation of the pre-feasibility study report, and strives to obtain project approval within the year; and the new projects of Buxer and Qiemo (Bingtuan) airports are underway. Actively promote the handling of pre-feasibility study report approval requirements; Pishan Airport has completed the site selection report review for the new project, and is expected to obtain site selection approval within this year. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the Airport Group will actively cooperate with the local government to speed up the construction of Barkol Airport, and fully promote the early start of five new airport projects including Luntai, Wusu, Hebuxer, Qiemo (Bingtuan), and Pishan. building. By the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the number of airports in Xinjiang will reach 33, and the density of airports in Xinjiang will reach 2 per 100,000 square kilometers. Editor/He Yuting


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