Cambodian Prime Minister Inspected the Pusa River Hydropower Project
Seetao 2023-03-20 11:21
  • The installed capacity of the Pusa River hydropower station project is 80 MW, and it is planned to be put into operation in 2026
  • The construction of the project will provide Cambodia with safe, stable and clean power
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Recently, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and his entourage visited the site inspection work of the Pusa River Hydropower Project undertaken by PowerChina. Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Land and Construction Xie Soupala, Deputy Prime Minister Mason Wan, and Minister of Mines and Energy Rui Sai attended the event. Rotana, general manager of Cambodia Electric Power Bureau, Jin Mingji, chairman of the board of directors of Cambodia Bodhisattva Hydropower Development Co., Ltd., the project owner, Zhou Jiayi, deputy general manager of the company and general manager of the Asia-Pacific regional headquarters, and Geng Xiaolin, deputy general manager of the 15th Bureau of Hydropower, accompanied the relevant activities.

Prime Minister Hun Sen listened to the project leader's report on project progress and long-term planning at the scene, and expressed his satisfaction with the progress of PowerChina's contract performance. He pointed out that the Pusa River hydropower project is an important hydropower project under construction in Cambodia. After the completion of the project, it will provide safe, stable and clean electric energy for the Cambodian people, guarantee the independence and safety of Cambodia in terms of electric power, and play an important role in improving Cambodia. It is of great significance to improve people's livelihood and accelerate national economic development.

Zhou Jiayi introduced to Prime Minister Hun Sen the construction progress of the current key work and the business development of PowerChina in Cambodia. Prime Minister Hun Sen fully affirmed PowerChina's on-site work, expressed his gratitude to PowerChina for its long-term support for Cambodia's power construction, and expressed cordial condolences to the on-site construction personnel.

Pusa River Hydropower Station

The Pusat River Hydropower Station is located in Levin County, Pusat Province, Cambodia, with a total installed capacity of 80 MW. The project has a strong water storage capacity, which can provide a large amount of power supply to the local community in the dry season and solve the problem of power shortage in the dry season. The Pusa River Hydropower Project can play a comprehensive role in power generation, flood control, and ecological improvement, and is of great significance to the country's economic development and improvement of people's livelihood. This project is a typical project for companies from China, South Korea, and Japan to cooperate in the Cambodian market. Provide Cambodia with 369 million kWh of clean electricity every year. Prime Minister Hun Sen's personal Facebook account, Cambodia Bayon TV, Khmer Times, Cambodia-China Times, Fresh News and many other mainstream media reported on PowerChina's Pusa River Hydropower Station.

As one of the central enterprises with the highest degree of internationalization, PowerChina actively promotes the construction of the green Belt and Road, creating more growth points for China-Cambodia cooperation. Since entering Cambodia in 2006, it has participated in the construction of Sihanoukville Hydropower Station, Ganchai Hydropower Station, Stenwodai Hydropower Station, Erasai Hydropower Station, Sesan Secondary Hydropower Station, Pusa River Hydropower Station, Kopuos Sea-Crossing Bridge, Westport Wharf Yard, A large number of major engineering projects, such as the Silun Water Conservancy Irrigation Project, have effectively promoted the local social and economic development. As of February 2023, PowerChina has won contracts for about 130 projects in Cambodia, with a cumulative contract value of more than US$5 billion. It has participated in power construction with a total installed capacity of 846 MW, exceeding 30% of Cambodia's national installed capacity. These projects have not only improved Cambodia's power structure, but will continue to inject new impetus into Cambodia's post-epidemic economic recovery. Editor/He Yuting


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