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World's highest wind farm generates more than 100 million kWh
Seetao 2023-03-21 15:43
  • Tibet's unique topography puts it well-positioned for renewable energy generation
  • Tibet is high in altitude and it is difficult to build energy projects. It is most suitable to develop renewable energy in this clean and sacred place
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The world's highest-altitude wind farm in the Tibet Autonomous Region has generated more than 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity since it began operating in December 2021. Turbines located at an altitude of 5,000 to 5,200 meters constitute the Cuomai Chigu Wind Farm in Chigu Township, Cuomai County.

The wind farm belongs to China Three Gorges Corporation and is the first grid-connected wind power project in Tibet. The total installed capacity of the project is 22MW. Given its unique terrain ideal for wind, solar and geothermal installations, Tibet is a key part of China's plans to increase renewable energy.

China's National Climate Center found that the region has reliable enough strong wind sites to power 600GW of turbines, and possibly 420GW in parts of the plateau in neighboring regions such as Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and Xinjiang.

China's energy is developing rapidly

While the international industry is struggling with higher production costs, wind power remains the market leader among Chinese companies. A year ago, the Chinese government announced plans to build 450GW of solar and wind capacity in the Gobi Desert and other desert regions. To limit carbon emissions by 2030, President Xi Jinping has pledged to boost China's combined wind and solar capacity to at least 1,200 gigawatts.

In 2021, China will build more offshore wind turbines than any other country in the previous five years. Xi Jinping pointed out at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that it is necessary to accelerate green transformation, implement a comprehensive conservation strategy, develop green and low-carbon industries, advocate green consumption, and advocate green and low-carbon production methods and lifestyles. Despite efforts to install more renewable energy domestically, the Chinese government remains committed to coal-fired power generation in the short term.

The government approved an additional 106GW of coal-fired power capacity in 2022, quadrupling the previous year and the highest level since 2015, according to Global Energy Monitor. The figures appear to contradict an announcement by China's energy regulator in early 2022 that it would not allow new coal-fired power plants to be used only for bulk power generation.

GEM research analyst Flora Champenois said China remained the notable exception to the continued decline in global coal plant development, a process that left little room for proper planning or consideration of alternatives.Editor/XingWentao


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