Ambassador Han Zhiqiang visited southern Thailand
Seetao 2023-03-22 09:50
  • The cooperation between China and Thailand has a profound impact not only on Thailand, but also on Southeast Asian countries
  • The friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Thailand ushered in a new climax, which will better benefit the two peoples
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From March 15th to 18th, 2023, Ambassador Han Zhiqiang visited Songkhla and Phuket, Thailand, and had in-depth exchanges with government officials of the two places on Sino-Thai relations and bilateral cooperation in economy, trade, tourism, education, science and technology, etc. , visited relevant Chinese schools, visited and sympathized with local overseas Chinese, inspected relevant tourist facilities in the two governments, learned more about the local tourism security situation and reception services for Chinese tourists, held a discussion with teachers and students of Prince of Songkla University, and introduced China's development and Sino-Thai relations Condition. Consul General Wu Dongmei in Songkhla and others participated in the above activities.

Ambassador Han gave a comprehensive introduction to China's development situation and China-Thailand relations to government officials of the two places, university teachers and students, and overseas Chinese. , and comprehensively promote the new journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. China will adhere to the path of peaceful development, unswervingly expand opening up, and is committed to achieving common development and prosperity with all countries in the world, especially neighboring countries. Ambassador Han pointed out that President Xi Jinping will pay a historic visit to Thailand in 2022. The two sides agreed to build a more stable, prosperous and sustainable China-Thailand community with a shared future and usher in a new era of bilateral relations.

Ambassador Han spoke positively of the construction of the overseas Chinese community in southern Thailand, praised the overseas Chinese for their important contributions to the promotion of Thailand's economic and social development and the friendly cooperation between China and Thailand, and encouraged everyone to further play the role of bridge and bond in the development of China-Thailand relations in the new era. Ambassador Han fully affirmed the outstanding achievements of the Chinese school and encouraged the students to learn Chinese well, inherit Chinese culture, and better serve the cause of China-Thailand friendship

Ambassador Han inspected the relevant tourism facilities in the two provinces, and communicated with the local government and tourism practitioners on tourism safety issues. He thanked Thailand for its efforts in strengthening tourism safety management, and pointed out that southern Thailand is the main destination for Chinese citizens to travel to Thailand. . With the further effective control of the epidemic, it is believed that more Chinese citizens will visit southern Thailand in the next stage. It is hoped that Thailand will further strengthen the supervision of the tourism market, maintain a good order in the tourism market, and ensure the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese tourists.

Governor of Songkhla Province, Thailand, Governor of Songkhla Province, Governor of Phuket Province, Governor of Yin Wen Narong, Chairman of the Phuket Administrative Agency Leiwa, and the heads of relevant departments of the two governments warmly welcomed Ambassador Han's visit, and spoke highly of China's economic and social development achievements, saying that the local Committed to developing friendly relations with China, and willing to further strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, tourism, education, science and technology, etc., emphasizing that all walks of life in southern Thailand are eagerly looking forward to the return of more Chinese tourists. Relevant officials in Thailand introduced local tourism resources and tourism services for Chinese tourists, saying that they will continue to attach great importance to tourism safety and strive to provide Chinese tourists with a safe and comfortable travel experience. Overseas Chinese in southern Thailand were delighted by Ambassador Han's visit. They said that as descendants of Chinese people, they are very proud of China's remarkable development achievements. contribute. Editor/He Yuting


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