The 2023 Boao New Power System International Forum will be held in Boao, Hainan
Seetao 2023-03-23 08:48
  • Jointly discuss the construction of a new power system, and jointly seek the construction of a new energy system
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From March 22 to 23, 2023, the 2023 Boao New Power System International Forum will be held in Boao, Hainan. With the theme of "openness, cooperation, sharing, promoting energy green and low-carbon development", the forum explores the development path of new power systems, draws a blueprint for the construction of new energy systems, looks forward to the future of global energy and power cooperation, and promotes economic and social green and low-carbon transformation and development. Realize the goal of carbon neutrality at carbon peak.

Promoting the construction of new power systems and new energy systems with digital and green coordinated development

Yu Bing, member of the party group and deputy director of the National Energy Administration, expressed warm congratulations on the opening of the forum on behalf of the National Energy Administration. He pointed out that China Southern Power Grid has coordinated the requirements of power supply guarantee and energy green and low-carbon development, accelerated the transformation and development of power grids, and made important contributions to the economic and social development of the five southern provinces. It is hoped that China Southern Power Grid Corporation will follow the development trend of the times, firmly grasp the opportunity of energy low-carbon transformation, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the power system, and help realize the goal of carbon neutrality at peak carbon.

At present, non-fossil energy power accounts for more than 50% of China Southern Power Grid's service area, which is higher than the global and national averages. It has built a world-class bay area power grid with the highest proportion of clean energy in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the utilization rate of new energy power generation exceeds 99%. . Meng Zhenping, Chairman and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of China Southern Power Grid Corporation, said in a video speech that following the general trend of the digital age and serving green and low-carbon development, China Southern Power Grid Corporation will build a new power system and a new energy system as the fundamental direction and important strategic task of power grid development. Explore and promote the "promoting the construction of new power systems and new energy systems through digital and green coordinated development", promote digitalization to lead green development, and use green to drive digital upgrades to contribute to ensuring national energy and power security and serving high-quality economic and social development .

Strengthening international energy exchanges and cooperation and jointly promoting the construction of ecological civilization is a long-term strategy for building a community with a shared future for mankind. "China has made great achievements in the development of green energy, and has been at the forefront of the world in terms of green energy." Long Yongtu, former vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and former secretary-general of the Boao Forum for Asia, pointed out in his speech that China Southern Power Grid is located in my country It is necessary to further increase the interconnection with the power grids of neighboring Southeast Asian countries and promote the optimal allocation of energy in a wider range. It is necessary to actively absorb the experience of low-carbon development of international energy and power companies, and strive to contribute to global energy. Governance contributes Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions.

Actively expand the space for cooperation, further improve the quality of energy and power, and enhance the level of international business development. China Southern Power Grid insists on connecting Hong Kong and Macau, deeply cultivates Lancang-Mekong, and faces the world, deepens power cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau, promotes Lancang-Mekong regional power interconnection, and actively participates in global energy governance; deepens international technical exchanges and cooperation, and promotes technologies such as flexible DC, digital grid, and energy storage , standards and equipment go out.

Helping Hainan take the lead in building a national new power system demonstration province

Hainan is accelerating the construction of a national ecological civilization demonstration zone and vigorously promoting the construction of a clean energy island. Chen Wanxin, deputy secretary-general of the Hainan Provincial People's Government, said in his speech that Hainan proposed the development goal of basically building a new power system by 2025, striving to be a top student in the dual-carbon work. The Hainan provincial government and the China Southern Power Grid jointly declared to the National Energy Administration, imploring support for Hainan to build a new power system demonstration province, and to accelerate the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port.

It is understood that in recent years, Hainan Province has actively promoted the construction of a new power system. In 2021, it will basically build a comprehensive smart grid demonstration province covering the whole process of power generation, transmission, distribution and consumption in the province, laying a solid foundation for the construction of a new power system in the province. .

In order to speed up integration and serve the overall situation of the free trade port construction, China Southern Power Grid is accelerating the construction of a new power system in Hainan, and is fully promoting the construction of a new power system demonstration province in Hainan. It is planned to start the construction of Hainan's 500 kV digital power grid before the end of June this year. The investment scale of the project is about 5.2 billion yuan. After completion, it will realize the full coverage of the 500 kV provincial digital power grid for the first time in the country. This year, we will coordinate the construction of 8 demonstration areas including Haikou New Power System Comprehensive Demonstration, Yazhou Science and Technology City High Reliability Power Supply Demonstration, and Changjiang Wangxiang Countryside Ecological Civilization Demonstration. Zhongzheng County Zero Carbon Demonstration Zone.

At the Hainan Boao New Power System Exhibition and Exchange Center of this forum, the relevant cases displayed are eye-catching. Among them, the Hainan climate change smart management platform is the first government-enterprise cooperation smart management platform for climate change in the country. It has initially formed a "high-frequency, multi-dimensional, high-precision" carbon emission statistics, accounting and monitoring system to serve the free trade port. Industrial development and the realization of the "double carbon" goal; China Southern Power Grid Corporation and Hainan Province jointly explored the "one network" operation model for new energy vehicle charging and swapping across the island, and built an ecologically shared charging service operation platform to realize a smooth operation of one APP across the province. Provide convenient services for electric vehicle users.

Fully serve the five southern provinces and Hong Kong and Macao regions to achieve the double carbon target as soon as possible

In recent years, China Southern Power Grid Corporation has firmly grasped the role of the grid as a hub platform in promoting the smooth circulation of energy resources and driving the green and low-carbon transformation of the industrial chain and supply chain, and has taken the construction of new power systems and new energy systems as the fundamental direction and important strategy of power grid development Tasks, in-depth exploration and practice of digital grid as the key carrier of the new power system, fully serve the five southern provinces and Hong Kong and Macao regions to achieve the "double carbon" goal as soon as possible, and actively promote the construction of digital ecological civilization.

Continue to optimize the energy supply structure and further realize the green and low-carbon transformation of electricity. In terms of new power system construction goals, by 2030, China Southern Power Grid will have the capacity to support new energy installations of more than 100 million kilowatts. New energy will become the largest installed power source for power generation, and a new power system will be basically built. At that time, the installed capacity of wind power and solar power in the five southern provinces will reach more than 250 million kilowatts, and the installed capacity of pumped storage will reach about 30 million kilowatts. The proportion increased to 38%.

Deepen the construction of a modern power supply service system and further promote the upgrading of energy consumption. On the basis that the modern power supply service system has been basically established, and the reliability of power supply is moving from the domestic leader to the world leader, China Southern Power Grid will fully integrate into the construction of a new system of high-quality and efficient service industry, and further promote the diversified supply and high-end of power and energy products. upgrade. In terms of digital service practice, through Nanwang Online, real-time inquiry of electricity bills of the company's billion-level users has been realized, and the proportion of electricity business transactions on the Internet has reached 99%, and 7*24 hours of full-service online processing has been realized, and the electricity consumption calendar can also be viewed Daily electricity consumption can be compared at a glance over the same period.

Create a benchmark for the construction of a unified power market, and further improve the energy and power system and mechanism. In July last year, the national unified electricity market system took the lead in landing in the southern region, and the reform of electricity marketization entered a new stage of shifting gears and speeding up. China Southern Power Grid will continue to serve as a model and model in deepening the reform of the power system, actively integrate into the unified national power market system, accelerate the construction of the southern regional power market, improve the system and mechanism to support the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, and promote the medium and long-term market, the spot market, the auxiliary The integrated development of the service market will promote the coordinated and efficient development of the regional power market, green certificate market, and carbon market.

Strengthen digital technology and green technology research, and further create an innovation highland in the field of energy and power. Consolidating and expanding the first-mover advantage obtained in the digital transformation, China Southern Power Grid Corporation strives to build the digital grid into a key carrier for the construction of a new power system and a new energy system. Actively build new data infrastructure and create a "3+1+X" base data center; speed up the creation of digital technology platforms, and build digital core technology platforms such as the global Internet of Things platform, cloud-digital integrated data center, and China Southern Network Intelligence Platform; In order to support the grid-connected consumption of massive new energy, China Southern Power Grid has realized 100% of the centralized new energy stations to the cloud, and launched the multi-temporal and spatial-scale accurate prediction and cultivation plan for new energy.

It is reported that this forum is hosted by China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. and undertaken by Boao New Power System Association. A total of 300 people attended the meeting, including relevant leaders of the National Energy Administration and Hainan Provincial Government, relevant academicians, experts from universities, domestic and foreign energy and power organizations, and business representatives.

This forum specially invites international guests to participate in the forum. Among them, relevant leaders of international institutions and enterprises such as the international super-large power grid operator organization GO15, CLP Power Co., Ltd., Chile’s joint transmission company, Mekong Institute, etc. attended or delivered video speeches. Relevant persons in charge of the Energy Interconnection Department of the Energy Department of the Social Committee, Ensevo Luxembourg, China Branch of Korea Electric Power Corporation, China Region of EDF Group, Terna Power Company of Italy and other institutions and enterprises participated in the speech.

This forum also invited academicians to give speeches for the first time. Li Lili, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary chairman of the Expert Committee of China Southern Power Grid Corporation, and Rao Hong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chief scientist of China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. Exploration of the Evolution Path of Power System——Research on Power Security Supply Guarantee" as the title of the report. In addition, three sub-forums were held on March 23, with the themes of "Energy Integration Development and Urban Intelligent Low-Carbon Transformation", "Digital Grid Technology Development under New Power System" and "Green Low-Carbon New Energy and New Power System Construction" .Editor/XingWentao


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