21 major projects in Guazhou, Gansu started intensively
Seetao 2023-03-23 10:08
  • The total investment of this construction project is 24.53 billion yuan, and the annual planned investment is 5.95 billion yuan
  • After completion, it will surely provide stronger support and accumulate stronger kinetic energy for the economic and social development of Guazhou
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On March 22, 2023, Guazhou County, Gansu held a centralized commencement ceremony for major projects in the first quarter of 2023. According to reports, the 21 major projects started this time have a total investment of 24.53 billion yuan and an annual planned investment of 5.95 billion yuan, involving new energy, fine chemicals, park construction, agriculture, ecology, people's livelihood and other fields. An important carrier of high-quality economic and social development in the state will also become a new engine to promote industrial upgrading and expand the economic aggregate.

It is reported that the Guazhou Silk Road Cultural Digital Exhibition Center project undertaken by Gansu Fourth Construction has a total land area of 61369.2㎡, a total construction area of 21286.6㎡, and a cost of 308.2799 million yuan. After completion, it can effectively promote the accelerated development of the tertiary industry and actively expand cultural tourism in Guazhou Develop horizons.

Guazhou is a transportation hub from east to west, an important merchant town on the ancient Silk Road, and an important growth pole for the green and high-quality development of the Greater Dunhuang Cultural Tourism Economic Circle. Gansu No. 4 Construction actively responded to the deployment of the top four actions in Gansu Province, fully implemented the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress, the deployment of the provincial and municipal economic work conferences, and the specific requirements of the three-point and three-promotion actions, carefully planned the annual work, and seized Opportunity to seek breakthroughs, always regard project construction as a powerful starting point and important carrier to promote high-quality economic development, use project construction as a support, combine it with specific work to promote high-quality economic development, and take project tackling as a key to promoting high-quality county-level economic development The first priority is to aim at the bull's-eye, make precise efforts, form a strong atmosphere of seeking development, grasping development, and promoting development, inject stronger impetus, provide stronger support, and accumulate stronger potential for high-quality economic development.

In 2023, Guazhou County will keep a close eye on the 1246 strategic deployment of the municipal party committee and Jiuquan’s goal of building a regional central city, and will unswervingly implement the strategy of establishing the county with ecology, strengthening the county with industry, and prospering the county with talents. Work hard, do everything possible to attract investment, launch projects, expand investment, and promote development. In 2023, 123 major projects are planned to start construction, with a total investment of 105.1 billion yuan, and the annual planned investment is 20.9 billion yuan, including: 34 industrial manufacturing projects, energy projects 19, 18 economic and trade logistics projects, 15 agricultural projects, 11 social and people's livelihood projects, and 36 projects in other fields. These projects have excellent industrial quality and good market prospects. Editor/He Yuting


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