Hebei Cangzhou Economic and Trade Vocational Education Park Project Bidding
Seetao 2023-03-24 11:39
  • The project is divided into four construction sections, with a total investment of 3.298 billion yuan
  • Cangzhou Economic and Trade Vocational Education Park project covers a total area of 1595.5 mu, with a total construction area of 408408.55 square meters
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On March 23, 2023, the public resources trading service platform of Hebei Province released the tender announcement for the general contracting of the EPC project of the Cangzhou Economic and Trade Vocational Education Park Project. 3.298 billion yuan.

Project Overview

The project covers a total area of 1595.5 mu, with a total construction area of 408408.55 square meters.

Division of tenders: This project is divided into four tenders, the details are as follows:

Section 1: Cangzhou Industry and Trade School, with a total construction area of about 106,390㎡, of which the largest single area is about 29,873㎡, and the structure type is prefabricated concrete.

The second tender section: Cangzhou Vocational and Technical Education Center, with a total construction area of about 109,787㎡, of which the largest single area is about 16,705㎡, and the structure type is prefabricated concrete.

Section 3: Dongfeng Road, Kaitai Street, Xingcang Road, planning branch road and shared green space project. Among them, Dongfeng Road, Kaitai Street, and Xingcang Road are the secondary trunk roads of the city. The total length of Dongfeng Road is 1216.352 meters, and the width of the red line is 40 meters. The total length of Kaitai Street is 912.098 meters, and the width of the red line is 40 meters. 912.098 meters, the red line is 20 meters wide. Xingcang Road has a total length of 1224.886 meters and a red line width of 30 meters, including two overpasses connecting the north and south campuses of Cangzhou Preschool Teachers College.

Section 4: Cangzhou Early Childhood Teachers College and two shared venues, with a total construction area of about 192,230㎡, of which the largest single area is 32,822.10㎡. The structural type of Cangzhou Early Childhood Teachers College, library and shared gymnasium is fabricated concrete, and the structural form of the shared library activity center is fabricated steel structure. Keywords: engineering news, engineering construction information, engineering construction

Planned construction period: 600 calendar days for the first, second and fourth tenders, and 360 calendar days for the third tender.

Obtaining and submitting tender documents

Anyone who intends to participate in the bidding, please log in to the electronic trading platform for the whole process of Hebei Bidding to download the electronic bidding documents from 09:30 on March 23, 2023 to 09:30 on March 28, 2023. The deadline for submitting documents is 09:30 on April 12, 2023. Editor / Zhao E


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