The route scheme of Xiangyang, Hubei to Xinye, Henan expressway is determined
Seetao 2023-03-24 16:08
  • Xiangyang-Xinye Expressway follows the two-way four-lane expressway standard, with a design speed of 120km/h
  • After the project is completed, it will enhance the traffic connection between the two major cities in the Nanxiang Basin and promote the overall economic and social development of the two places
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On March 21, 2023, a reporter from learned from the Municipal Transportation Bureau that the route plan for the Xiangyang-Xinye Expressway in Hubei Province has been basically determined, and the environmental impact assessment of the project is being announced, and construction is planned to start in 2023.

The Xiangyang-Xinye Expressway is a part of the Xiangyang-Nanyang Expressway passage. The proposed project starts from Zhangjiaji, Xiangzhou District, connects to Fuyin Expressway, and ends at the junction of Hubei and Henan provinces north of Zhuji. The Nanyang-Xinye Expressway is connected with the Nanyang-Xinye Expressway, with a total length of about 29 kilometers.

Located in Xiangzhou District, this section of expressway is generally north-south. It is constructed in accordance with the standard of two-way four-lane expressway. The design speed is 120km/h, the roadbed is 27 meters wide, and there are 9 new bridges, 4 interchanges, and 6 separate interchanges. , 25 passages, 1 service area, 1 maintenance work area, 1 monitoring and management sub-center, and 2 ramp toll stations.

It is understood that the Xiangyang-Xinye Expressway and Nanyang-Xinye Expressway have been included in the expressway development plans of Hubei and Henan provinces respectively. Synchronous start. Keywords: engineering news, engineering construction information, engineering construction

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Transportation Bureau stated that after the construction of the Xiangyang-Nanyang Expressway, the transportation connection between the two major cities in the Nanxiang Basin will be enhanced, the integration process of Nanxiang will be promoted, and the overall economic and social development of the two places will be promoted. Editor / Zhao E


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