Experts from various countries praise China's four major water initiatives
Seetao 2023-03-25 10:27
  • Water is a strategic economic resource and a controlling ecological element
  • Li Guoying elaborated on China's water control experience and China's water control propositions in response to the panel discussion
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Recently, Li Guoying, Minister of Water Resources, attended the 2023 United Nations Water Conference Interactive Dialogue on Water and Sustainable Development at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA. He served as co-chairman with the Vice President of the European Commission Shujca, delivered an opening speech, conducted a special discussion and responded to the meeting Summarize. Li Guoying pointed out that China will adhere to the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, focus on promoting the construction of a community of shared future for mankind, vigorously advocate international cooperation in water management, and contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese wisdom to the realization of stronger, greener and healthier global development. program, Chinese power.

Li Guoying and the Vice President of the European Commission Shuijca (first from the right) served as the co-chairs of the dialogue

More than 300 representatives from nearly 100 countries and international organizations participated in this interactive dialogue session. 8 senior government officials, well-known experts and heads of international organizations from relevant countries focused on comprehensive management of water-energy-food-ecosystem relations, water resources Keynote speeches were made on issues of concern to the international community, such as service value assessment, water support for sustainable economy and urban development, and many delegates engaged in live interactive debates.

Li Guoying, Minister of Water Resources, put forward four major proposals in his speech in the general debate: First, guarantee the basic right of everyone to enjoy safe drinking water. The second is to fully understand the limitation and irreplaceability of fresh water resources. The third is to respect the basic rights of rivers in nature, regard rivers as life forms, and construct river ethics. Fourth, in the face of the challenge of global climate change and its intensified impact, give full play to the role of United Nations agencies and gather wisdom and strength to deal with water disasters, water resources, water environment, and water ecological issues.

Industry experts from different countries praised China's four water initiatives and recognized China's achievements in water conservancy. Editor/He Yuting


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