Wind power
Guangxi's first offshore wind power project landed and implemented
Seetao 2023-03-27 09:32
  • Among them, the Fangchenggang offshore wind power project has a planned installed capacity of 1.8 million kilowatts
  • The plan is divided into Fangchenggang Offshore Wind Power Demonstration Project and Qinzhou Offshore Wind Power Demonstration Project
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The global renewable energy construction has developed vigorously in recent years, and the development of renewable energy in China's coastal provinces has accelerated. On March 25, 2023, the Guangxi Offshore Wind Power Demonstration Project Construction Mobilization Conference was held in Fangchenggang City, Guangxi. The first offshore wind power project in Guangxi, controlled and constructed by Guangxi Investment Group, was fully launched. This is a "zero breakthrough" for Guangxi's offshore wind power.

It is understood that the Guangxi Offshore Wind Power Demonstration Project is the first offshore wind power project in Southwest China. It is divided into the Fangchenggang Offshore Wind Power Demonstration Project and the Qinzhou Offshore Wind Power Demonstration Project. Among them, the Fangchenggang offshore wind power demonstration project has a planned installed capacity of 1.8 million kilowatts and an estimated total investment of about 24.5 billion yuan. After completion, the annual on-grid electricity will exceed 5 billion kilowatt-hours, which can meet the basic electricity consumption of 5 million households.

Guangxi Beibu Gulf has a coastline of 1,628 kilometers and is rich in wind energy resources. At present, Guangxi has planned 9 offshore wind farm areas with a total planned installed capacity of 23.5 million kilowatts. As the first offshore wind power project in Guangxi, the Fangchenggang Offshore Wind Power Demonstration Project of Guangxi Investment Group will accumulate experience in offshore wind power development and project investment for Guangxi, promote the high-quality development of Guangxi's offshore wind power industry, and further promote the comprehensive green and low-carbon energy industry in Guangxi transformation. Keywords: infrastructure, infrastructure construction, domestic engineering news, planning investment

In the next step, Guangxi will focus on wind power development and supporting industrial chain construction, deploy offshore wind power supporting industries, create a 10-million-kilowatt offshore wind power base in the Beibu Gulf and a 100-billion-level offshore wind power industry cluster, and promote the high-quality development of Guangxi's seaward economy. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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