China and Honduras Establish Diplomatic Relations
Seetao 2023-03-27 10:00
  • China welcomes Honduras' support and participation in the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative
  • Practical cooperation between China and Honduras benefits the two peoples
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After Honduras announced the severance of diplomatic relations with the Taiwan authorities, on March 26, 2023, the People's Republic of China and Honduras announced the establishment of diplomatic relations. So far, 182 countries in the world have established diplomatic relations with China, while the so-called diplomatic relations of the Taiwan authorities are only 13. This sharp contrast shows that the one-China principle is a general consensus and a recognized norm of international relations in the international community. Honduras' choice conforms to the general trend and conforms to the will of the people, and stands on the correct side of history and the side of most countries.

On behalf of the two governments, Qin Gang and Reina respectively signed the "Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras" and jointly met the press

The Honduran people welcome and support this, and they believe that the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hong Kong and China will promote economic exchanges between the two countries and promote the economic development of Honduras.

Honduran nurse Rivas: We welcome China. The establishment of diplomatic relations between Hong Kong and China will promote the development of our country and we will have more job opportunities.

Andino, a student from Honduras: I think the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hong Kong and China is very good. The bilateral relationship between Hong Kong and China will make us stronger and benefit our country.

Honduras student Romero: I think the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hong Kong and China is very beneficial to our country. We can get investment from China. Our country needs these investments and economic support. China will establish economic ties with Honduras, support Honduras from the economic level, develop more industries, and achieve greater development.Editor/Ma Xue


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