CHEC won three consecutive bids in the Central African market
Seetao 2023-05-08 10:50
  • The operation and maintenance project of Kefei-Makurdi Highway is the first two-excellent highway project in Nigeria
  • The construction content of the Cameroon logistics park site leveling project includes land clearing, earthwork, drainage and slope protection works in the Kribi logistics park
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With the global implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, CHEC is actively expanding the overseas market of the Belt and Road Initiative, and has newly won a number of overseas infrastructure projects, contributing Chinese power to the improvement of infrastructure in African countries.

Nigeria Kefei-Makuldi Highway Project

The operation and maintenance project of the Kefi-Makurdi Highway in Nigeria, the owner is the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Engineering and Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The main work content is to operate and maintain the 5.4km ten-lane from Abuja to Malaba and the 221.8km four-lane from Kefi to Makuldi. The operation and maintenance period is 25 years.

As the first dual-excellence highway project in Nigeria, the construction of this project has injected vitality into the social and economic development of various regions along the route. At the same time, CHEC further practiced the concept of construction-operation integration, deeply participated in the long-term development of the project through the EPC+O&M model, and joined hands with the Nigerian side to build a road of friendship between China and Nepal.

The successful implementation of this project will enable CHEC to seize the opportunities in Nigeria's road operation and maintenance market, and help develop the land around the road and linkage related industries, build CHEC's operation and maintenance sub-brand in Nigeria, and lay a solid foundation for CHEC to achieve high-quality development. At the same time, it also provides reference experience for the expansion of CHEC's business field and the extension of the industrial chain.

Malaba-Kafe Road Restoration Project, Nigeria

The Malaba-Kafe Road Restoration Project in Nigeria, the owner is the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Engineering and Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the contract period is 30 months, and the contract mode is general contracting. The main construction content is to repair the two-way four-lane road section with a total length of 43.65km (some sections are two-way six-lane road).

The project is an important part of Nigeria's National Arterial Highway Upgrade Plan and Golden Triangle Planning. After the successful implementation of the project, the linkage between the capital Abuja and the towns along the line will be smoother, which will help the integrated construction of Abuja and the towns along the line. At the same time, the project will jointly open up the Abuja-Southeast transportation corridor together with the first and second phases of Kaifei Road, and dredge the economic development corridor between Abuja and eastern and southern Nigeria.

The winning bid of this project is the successful practice of the China-Africa Regional Management Center in insisting on implementing the CHEC1248 strategy and flexible use of three strategies. It is also an important achievement of CHEC's active expansion of the foreign exchange market, and further consolidates the development foundation of CHEC in the main business field of key countries .

Cameroon Kribi Logistics Park 20 hectares site leveling project

The 20-hectare site leveling project of Kribi Logistics Park in Cameroon, the owner is Kribi Port Authority, the contract period is 9 months, and the contract type is construction general contracting. The main construction content of the project includes land clearing, earthwork, drainage and slope protection works in Kribi Logistics Park. The winning of the bid is another achievement of the China-Africa Regional Management Center after implementing several land consolidation projects in the Kribi area of Cameroon. Cameroon's leading position in the country's infrastructure market.Editor/Ma Xue


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