CRBC signed three new overseas infrastructure projects
Seetao 2023-05-15 10:28
  • After the completion of the clean Serbia project, it will greatly improve the water environment system of Serbia
  • The 36-kilometer Yacongja-Mukotto Road Upgrading and Reconstruction Project is another important transportation channel from south to north in Rwanda
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With the global implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese companies have made great achievements in the field of infrastructure. Recently, China Road and Bridge signed three new overseas engineering projects, making positive contributions to the improvement of local infrastructure.

The second batch of urban attachments for the Serbian sewage treatment project

On May 12, 2023, CRBC, the Serbian government, and the second batch of nine cities signed the appendix to the contract for the second batch of cities for the sewage project in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. Chen Bo, Chinese Ambassador to Serbia, Goran Vesic, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of Serbia, and Du Fei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board, attended the signing ceremony.

Vesic said that the implementation of the Clean Serbia project shows that Serbia and China are committed to improving the quality of life of the Serbian people. This project is currently the largest public infrastructure project in Serbia. After completion, it will greatly improve Serbia's water environment system and promote urban economy. sustainable development. Vesic emphasized that CRBC has successfully implemented many brand projects in Serbia, and its ability to perform contracts is trustworthy. It is believed that this cooperation will surely be a success.

In his speech at the signing ceremony, Chen Bo pointed out that the implementation of the project will promote the construction of a green Belt and Road, and is of great significance to strengthening exchanges and cooperation in the fields of green economy, people's livelihood and environmental protection between the two countries.

The Serbian sewage treatment infrastructure construction project includes the renovation and construction of sewage discharge pipe networks and sewage treatment plants in 73 cities in Serbia. The first batch of projects includes 16 cities, and the project will start in October 2021. The second batch of city annexes signed this time includes 9 cities. The signing of the second batch of appendices is the further implementation and implementation of the commercial contract of the Serbian sewage treatment infrastructure construction project. The implementation of this project is of great significance to strengthening exchanges and cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries in the fields of green economy and clean energy, and jointly building a green Silk Road.

Yacongja-Mukotto Road Upgrading and Reconstruction Project in Rwanda

On May 11, 2023, CRBC received the letter of award from the Rwanda Transport Development Authority and successfully won the bid for the Yacongja-Mukotto road upgrade and reconstruction project.

The project extends from Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, to Mukoto City in the northern province, with a total length of 36 kilometers. It is another important transportation channel from south to north in Rwanda. After completion, it will greatly improve the local transportation capacity and facilitate Residents travel, effectively reducing the cost of cargo transportation.

Indonesian PT TBP special purpose port (central area) Persada 6B berth project

Recently, China Road and Bridge successfully signed the business contract for the Persada 6B berth project of Indonesia's PT TBP special-purpose port (central area), which is a new achievement for China Road and Bridge in the Indonesian hydraulic market.Editor/Ma Xue


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