15 major projects in Longyan City, Fujian Province started intensively
Seetao 2023-05-26 16:07
  • A total of 15 projects were started in this groundbreaking ceremony, with a total investment of 12.16 billion yuan
  • The projects started this time involve high-tech industries, infrastructure, social and people's livelihood undertakings, cultural tourism and other fields
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On May 24, 2023, the centralized groundbreaking ceremony for key projects in the southern new city of Longyan Central City was held. Yu Hongsheng, secretary of the Longyan Municipal Party Committee, attended and announced the start of construction. On the day of the event, 15 projects were started intensively, with a total investment of 12.16 billion yuan.

Groundbreaking ceremony

The 15 projects started this time involve high-tech industries, infrastructure, social and people's livelihood undertakings, cultural tourism and other fields, including 7 industrial projects with a value of more than 1 billion yuan, and launched Longyan No. 1 Central South New City Branch and Longyan No. 2 Hospital A number of infrastructure, social and people's livelihood projects such as Southern New City Branch, Longyan City Forest Park, construction quality improvement of 5 market towns, Hongtian Road, inter-city expressway Phase 4, etc.

It is understood that the construction project of the southern new city in the central city of Longyan is one of the city's top ten key projects in 2023. With the goal of building "a new city for modern industry, a new city for science and technology education, and a new city for green ecology", it will focus on building the "133" industrial system and implement Five major projects including industrial agglomeration development, transportation interconnection, park quality improvement, modern city construction, cultural tourism and health care.

Since the start of development and construction in January 2023, it has steadily promoted the construction of Gaobei Central Area, "Two Cities and Two Parks", and four major livelihood projects. A total of 39 projects have been started with a total investment of 18.37 billion yuan, including 26 industrial projects, basic There are 6 facilities projects, 5 social and people's livelihood projects, and 2 cultural and tourism projects. Editor / Zhao E


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