The Brazilian Tanque Novo wind power project of CGN has been put into operation
Seetao 2023-06-02 10:18
  • CGN Brazil currently has 8 operating wind farms and 2 operating solar power plants
  • The construction of TN project is an innovative practice for Chinese enterprises to actively fulfill their social responsibilities and integrate into Brazilian society
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On May 30, 2023, witnessed by Zhu Qingqiao, Chinese Ambassador to Brazil, Jeronimo Rodriguez, Governor of the state of Bahia in Brazil, and Evelyn Cruise, Executive Vice Minister of the Brazilian Ministry of Mining and Energy, China National Nuclear Corporation's Tanque Novo 180 MW wind power project in Brazil was officially put into operation, with an estimated annual power generation of 720 million kilowatt hours, which can light up 430000 Brazilian households and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 650000 tons per year, equivalent to afforestation of 1800 hectares, During the project construction period, over 1000 job opportunities were created for the local area, effectively assisting Brazil's economic and social development and energy transformation and upgrading. In addition, the project successfully brought the Chinese wind turbine industry chain into the Brazilian new energy market, driving 24 enterprises upstream and downstream of the Chinese industry chain to jointly go overseas.

The Tanque Novo wind power project is the second independently constructed green space project by CGN in Brazil, located in the wind resource rich state of Bahia in northeastern Brazil. Construction began on November 25, 2021, with a total installed capacity of 180 megawatts. The project is equipped with 40 wind turbines, all using Chinese wind turbine equipment, and is currently the largest blade wind turbine in South America.

With the joint efforts of the China Brazil construction team, the TN project was put into operation 69 days ahead of schedule, and has reached the forefront of similar projects in Brazil in terms of safety, quality, and overall construction period. It has also won awards such as the Special Contribution Award for the Brazilian Wind Energy Industry and the Brazilian Engineering Infrastructure Innovation Award.

At the production ceremony, Yao Zhigang, General Manager of CGN Brazil, represented the company in signing investment agreements such as the Memorandum of Cooperation on New Energy Construction in Bahia and the Memorandum of Understanding on the Development of Green Space Reserve Projects with the local government, Chinese enterprises, and local enterprises. Jeronimo Rodriguez, Evelyn Cruz, and the President of the Brazilian Wind Energy Association, Erbia Ganum, have awarded the new energy science education base for the TN project in Brazil.Editor/Ma Xue


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