Successful Signing of G7611 Xichang Shangri La Sichuan Expressway Project
Seetao 2023-06-05 08:45
  • After the project is completed and opened to traffic, it will end the history of no highways in Yanyuan County and Muli County
  • The total contract amount of this project is approximately 32.408 billion yuan, and the total construction period of the contract section is 54 months
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Recently, Sichuan Highway and Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sichuan Road and Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd., signed the "General Contracting Contract for the Construction of ZCB-3 Contract Section of the G7611 Xichang Shangri La Sichuan Expressway Project" with Sichuan Xixiang Expressway Construction and Development Co., Ltd., and the Road and Bridge Group will undertake the general contracting task for the construction of ZCB-3 Contract Section of the G7611 Xichang Shangri La Sichuan Expressway Project.

The project content of this agreement is the construction of the ZCB-3 contract section (AK18+861~C5K134+440, M10K8+166) of the Sichuan Expressway from Xichang to Shangri La on the G7611 line ˉ M7K40+003.675) construction, mainly responsible for temporary engineering, roadbed, pavement, bridge and culvert, tunnel, intersection engineering, traffic safety, greening, housing construction, electromechanical, smart highway construction, and corresponding engineering restoration during the defect liability period. The total contract amount is approximately 32.408 billion yuan. The total construction period of the contract section is 54 months.

The construction of this project is of great significance for improving the national and Sichuan Yunnan highway network, constructing a comprehensive three-dimensional transportation corridor in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, driving the development of tourism, mineral and cultural resources, and promoting high-quality economic development in the Panxi region. After the completion and opening to traffic, the history of no highways in Yanyuan and Muli counties will come to an end. Editor/Zhao E


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