Construction Frontline
The Dakar transportation project creates a lot of jobs for Togolese youth
Seetao 2023-06-05 10:32
  • Dakar's bus Rapid transit project will help ease local traffic pressure and promote regional economic development
  • Over the past decade, the Belt and Road Initiative has made positive contributions to improving infrastructure and people's well-being in countries along the routes
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The Belt and Road Initiative infrastructure projects such as Lome Ring Road in Togo, Theis-Tuba Highway in Senegal, and the Rapid transit system in Dakar, capital of Senegal, have promoted the construction of local cities and the development of people's livelihood. Leon Kosivi, whose Chinese name is Su Xin, has not only realized his self-worth, but also gained a happy family.

The 36-year-old, who has worked for CRBC for 13 years, is currently involved in the Dakar Bus Rapid Transit project as an assistant project manager. As the country's first urban bus rapid transit line, the approximately 18-kilometer road will cut through Dakar's most densely populated neighborhoods and core business district, helping to ease traffic pressure in the capital when completed.

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In 2011, Su Xin had just graduated from university and was working as a translator on the Lome Bypass project undertaken by CRBC. In 2016, Su Xin was assigned to the construction project of the 113km-long Thys-Tuba Expressway, where he was involved in earthmoving, oil surface construction and drainage. The highway linking Thies, the country's second largest city, to the religious holy city of Tuba was completed and opened at the end of 2018, cutting travel time between the two places by at least half.

Construction site of Lome Ring II project in Togo

The city of Tuba is a popular Muslim pilgrimage center and tourist destination in West Africa. Millions of people flock to the city every year during the Magal Festival. The highway not only facilitates local people's travel and improves the appearance of the city, but also promotes regional economic development.

You can ask any Senegalese and they will rave about the highway. "Su Xin said.

The shorter travel times mean fresh food can be delivered in hot weather without fear of spoilage, says Jean-Pierre Diagne, head of the This-Touba highway at the Senegal Road Works and Authority. Diagne says the highway project has brought many local jobs and training opportunities, and the social benefits outweigh the investment.

During the construction of the highway, Su Xin met a Thies girl named Monique. The following year they married and chose to live in Theys. Monique also became a highway toll collector.Editor/Ma Xue


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