Exhibition Forum
Spain's blueffloat will develop a 7.6GW offshore wind project in the Philippines
Seetao 2023-06-06 08:42
  • The Philippines is likely to install 21 gigawatts of offshore wind projects by 2040
  • blueffloat plans to install floating offshore wind farms in the Philippines
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Spanish offshore wind developer blueffloat Energy will build a 7.6GW offshore wind project portfolio in the Philippines. The portfolio will be divided into four locations: Central Luzon, Southern Luzon, Northern Luzon and Southern Mindoro.

The company has secured wind service contracts for the sites, which each have a capacity of between 1.5 and 3.5 gigawatts. The Philippine Department of Energy and the World Bank Group released the country's offshore wind development roadmap in April 2023.

This highlights the potential to install 21GW of offshore wind power by 2040, out of a total technical potential of 178GW. The company has been exploring the development of floating winds to tap into this potential. It aims to use its expertise and global experience in floating wind power to develop projects in the country's coastal areas.

We are pleased to bring blueffloat Energy's expertise and experience in offshore wind Energy to the Philippines, said Carlos Martin, CEO of blueffloat Energy. We believe that by tapping into the country's vast clean energy potential, we can make a significant contribution to reducing carbon emissions and creating a sustainable future for future generations. The Company will work closely with government agencies, local communities and other stakeholders to comply with environmental regulations. The move into the Philippines is part of the company's Asia Pacific strategy.

blueffloat Energy plans to develop 6.6GW projects in Australia and 1.9GW projects in New Zealand. The company also announced plans in February 2023 to develop 1.7GW of offshore floating wind power in Australia.Editor/XingWentao


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